Hidden City – Moriarty’s Game

Regular readers of the blog will be aware that a few weeks ago I embarked on my very own “real-life” RPG with Discover Midtown: Incredible Midtown The Game. This...

Regular readers of the blog will be aware that a few weeks ago I embarked on my very own “real-life” RPG with Discover Midtown: Incredible Midtown The Game. This past week a group of wana-be detectives and me embarked on another puzzle based adventure around the great city of London.

To give you a bit of background information, Moriarty’s Game has been put together by the team at In the Hidden City drawing from one of the world’s greatest detective universes in Sherlock Holmes. Set about by his arch nemesis Professor James Moriarty, it is down to you and your team to follow the cryptic clues and solve the trail to enter Moriarty’s secret society. All a bit much? That’s not even the half of it!

In teams of up to four people you have between three to four hours to complete the 17 clues which the fiend Moriarty has concocted to test your wit and your intellect at every turn. Having provided our mobile numbers before the start of the game, all members of the team are sent clues via text message and answers are sent in response to these messages. Starting at the Royal Institute of British Architects, it’s down to you and the rest of your team to decipher the enigmas that the Professor provides you with; using your surroundings to guide you! Answer correctly and you will be provided with the next clue; answer incorrectly and you may find the Professor becomes slightly irritated by your incompetence! But don’t fret! The Professor and his Associates provide you with hints that you can request should you be stumped at any point; although you must be warned that time penalties will be incurred (All’s fair in love and war and all that…)!


The entire trail is all in walking distance of your starting point and I was blown away at the intricacies and interpretations of the riddles provided. Hidden City have gone to great lengths to provide you with a thrilling experience local cultural and public places. You are offered breaks between the four parts should you choose to stop off at a local eatery or venture into the shops at this time. All you need to do is text when you want to restart the game and you are away; but be warned the time does not stop!

I can’t really describe the event much more without going in to spoilers so my suggestion would be to go and give it a try and burn off some of the festive “bulk” you may have put on over the last week or so. The cost is £60.00 per team so for those of you apt at mathematics that’s £15 a head and worth every tuppence (couldn’t help myself)!

Funny team names are recommended- Sherlock Sheropen was our nod to Arthur Conan Doyle’s created universe!

You can find more information at the link below and please remember that local knowledge is not required but appreciate that even Mr. Holmes would be tested…

Come on my dear Watson- another mystery to solve!


Have you tried Moriarty’s Game? Or have another suggestion? Find me @MeteCritic and don’t forget to give a little look at the other content from the Out Of Lives family!

Keep it on the OOL!


Mete Redif, Mete Calls himself a critic, which is a lot nicer than what we call him. Wasn't happy to discover a site using a similar name to his articles.
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