It was billed as a reimagining of the original but Insomniac Games have done a lot more than that. They didn’t just recreate the old game, throw some glitter on it along with a couple shiny new weapons and send it on its way. The development team have done something much more astounding than that.
This is easily one of the best looking games on PS4. Given the caliber of games we’ve had in the last year or so that is one amazing achievement. The levels are colourful and characterful; There is plenty of variety and they are designed to perfection for the gameplay mechanics you have to play with. Gameplay is varied in itself, multple traversal methods and gadgets to employ as you pick them up throughout the campaign.
It’s rare to find a game with such a sense of humour bursting out at the seams. There is plenty of jokes and amusing moments to give you a chuckle; from big set piece moments right the way down to Mr Zurkon, the small robot you can call on to help you in battle, berating you for using the health pick up.
Ratchet & Clank is a finely tuned 3D action platformer, made with love and an attention to detail second to absolutely no one. Don’t be afraid to turn the difficulty down to easy (Casual) and just enjoy running around the levels and wrecking your way through the enemies.
I have played Ratchet & Clank with a big smile on my face the entire time, recommendations don’t come any higher than that.

- Beautiful
- Funny
- No ship customisation
- Ratchet & Clank (PS4)8