Ratchet & Clank is the best-selling game on the PlayStation Store (April 2016).

Beats out Dark Souls III

The Ratchet & Clank movie may have bombed in the US box Office but that hasn’t affected game sales. In fact Sony has announced that Insomniac Games’ Ratchet & Clank was the best selling PS4 game in the month of April and the fastest selling in the franchises history.


Playstation Blog went on to say the following:

Dark Souls 3 landed in third place in its first month on sale, and Housemarque‘s top-down shooter Alienation debuted at 9 after only four days on sale. Elsewhere, frenetic rogue like Enter The Gungeon entered the PS4 chart at 18, and Drinkbox Studios touch-screen dungeon crawler Severed managed second place on the PS Vita chart.


You can find the entire chart run down below.

  1. Ratchet & Clank
  2. Rocket League
  3. Dark Souls III
  4. Mad Max
  5. Life is Strange
  6. Minecraft
  7. Resident Evil 6
  8. Canis Canem Edit
  9. Alienation
  10. Battlefield 4

Writer and Podcast Editor Kevin Tarne was born as an insult to nature. The seventh son of a seventh son, Kevin is the world’s last audio Wizard and wields his unreliable PC to fight evil and edit podcasts. Kevin is responsible for the unprecedented quality of the podcasts audio.
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