Meet Kojima Productions New Mascot

He's Luden At You...

At the end of last year, legendary creator Hideo Kojima left Konami and established a new studio, titled Kojima Productions. The logo of the new studio was a mechanized helmet enclosing a skull. Now Kojima has tweeted an image of the new mascot called Ludens.


Ludens is wearing a “extra-vehicular activity creative suit”, and Kojima said the team will deliver “The new play in the new future with the cutting-edge equipment, technology, & the frontier spirit.”



Writer, Editor, Risk Taker. Dave Wyatt is the 62nd Heir to the throne. Which throne? He won't tell us. We gave him the task of writing all the profiles and the about us section. As you can see it was a mistake. However we shall keep them because he is totally a handsome chap.
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