No Beta for GT Sport According to Series Creator

Polyphony Digital have prioritized releasing the game this year

Kazunori Yamauchi, Series Creator of Gran Turismo, has told VideoGamer that there will not be a Beta for GT Sport. The Beta was originally announced back in October 2015 along with the game but it seems there has been a change of plan.

Just because it’s beta we can’t just throw it out there. It’s required that in order to do an open beta we have to create a proper master for it, and considering the release timing that we announced, we decided that we just don’t have enough time to do two gold masters for the game. By omitting that it saves us about three months of time.

In the interview; Yamauchi apologises explaining further, that to do an open beta as originally planned would push the release of the game back into 2017.


Polyphony Digital have prioritized releasing the game this year and devoting their focus to that. Which is a good thing for GT fans, racing game fans and PS4 owners looking for exclusives.

At an event in London yesterday, it was announced that Gran Tursimo Sport would be launching on the 18th of November in the UK on PS4.



Adam is a Writer, Editor & Podcaster here at Out of Lives. He casts a wide net across popular culture with video games & anime, in particular, featuring heavily in his work for the site. Hailing from a town just outside Glasgow, this Scotsman can usually be found roaming the Northern Realms on The Path or behind the wheel of a Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Car.
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