Ubisoft is developing a movie based on its hugely successful video game “Tom Clancy’s the Division,” With Jake Gyllenhaal attached to star and produce the adaptation.
Something that seems to happen a lot with most video game movie projects is they are announced but never actually get made, but this one may see the light of day. Ubisoft is gearing up to release an adaptations of their other monster franchise ‘Assassins creed’ and if that is as successful as they hope, it will no doubt open the flood gates for more properties to get the big screen treatment.

New York before the outbreak
It’s no surprise that ‘The Division’ is being considered, The game saw record-breaking sales and is Ubisofts fastest selling product. The third-person shooter, set in a dystopian New York City in the aftermath of a smallpox pandemic, would make an interesting movie. The story follows agents of the Strategic Homeland Division, referred to as “The Division,” who are tasked with regaining control of Manhattan, investigating the outbreak and combating the criminal activity that are taking advantage of the lawless city. In the right hands this could be amazing but it could also end up as a generic action film. I guess we will have to wait and see but with the “rich” history of video game movie adaptations… I wouldn’t hold your breath.
That’s if this even happens at all, the movie still needs a writer and then Ubisoft need to take it out to studios. They already have a lot on their plate, It currently has the aforementioned “Assassin’s Creed” starring Michael Fassbender in post-production as well as “Splinter Cell” starring Tom Hardy at Paramount.
For Gyllenhaal, the move gives the actor the opportunity Star in a video game adventure…

Oh yea… I forgot about this.