It was wonderful. Like watching a teammate score the most ludicrous last minute winner with an aerial backflip off the wall and in type goal. Psyonix, makers of Rocket League, avoided a potential PR disaster with all the poise and talent of an Olympic Gymnast. I have to applaud them.
The news, in case you missed it, is that Rocket League will be getting micro-transactions. Don’t panic though, it’s cosmetic items only and it will be modelled on the Counter Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) Loot Crate system… I don’t know anything about that to be honest but that’s not what I’m here to write about anyways.
This information was discovered by a Reddit user who posed it online. Psyonix then did the right thing, they didn’t try to deny it or pretend it wasn’t true. They simply admitted that it was a feature they were working on. Then they went on to detail exactly what it means; nothing currently in game will be affected (drop rates etc), the money raised will go towards their eSports prize pools, new arenas and modes will continue to be released for free, they have a strict “No Pay for Advantage” rule and that remains the case. Instead of letting the rumour mill get into full swing they’ve nipped this right in the bud.

Rocket League soared into popularity when it was given away for free to PS+ subscribers
Unlike many of the bigger companies (I’m looking at you Sony, with regards to the Neo) they haven’t tried to keep secrets or deny it. Of course I’m not suggesting that they should tell us everything they are working on as soon as they start it. That would be stupid, but when someone’s already leaked details you might as well just tell people. It makes everyone’s lives easier, although I’m sure they wish it hadn’t leaked till they were ready to talk about.
They treated their audience with respect, were honest about their plans and made sure to offer the assurance people needed. Micro-transactions can send alarm bells ringing for gamers but not this time. It seems they’ve learned from others mistakes.
Good for them, keep up the good work Psyonix.