Destiny 2 Is Officially Announced With A Fun Trailer

Des2ny Would Have Been Better

After a few naughty leaks and quite a fun little Teaser on Tuesday, the official Destiny 2 Trailer is with us!

As is the confirmation of the rumoured September 8th release date as well as the ‘classic’ “Pre-Order for Beta access” incentive.

It’s a fun and quite exciting trailer all round, I particularly enjoy Nathan Fillion’s performance in it. At the moment there isn’t much to know about the game, though we do know the setup for Destiny 2 is for the game to be a soft-ish reset with basically all the Guardians of the first game, i.e; all of the player characters that some of us have sunk far too much time into and in some cases a bit of money, are all dead. We do know that returning players are to be rewarded for their commitment to the series though for some (myself included) it’s a bit sore.

Destiny 2 will be coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on September 8th.

Does this trailer have you excited? Will you be picking up Des2ny, Destiny 2 in September? Let us know down below!


Out Of Lives' resident Whovian, and all round lover of games, guitars and cats. Alfred has been wandering around confused and hungry for some time now, serves him right for getting a degree in Film Studies.
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