Dave has dedicated his life to Destiny 2 whilst Ben continues to weep over his stolen machine. After the barrage of Destiny goodness they get into the news which mostly involves a lot of ports. L.A. Noire, Shenmue 1 & 2, Vanquish & Bayonetta, Okami HD and Dragons Crown Pro are all discussed. We’re still down on PS Now and breeze over the new games added to the service before talking about the highs and lows of Destiny 2’s release and how Playstation 4 Pro and PSN have, or haven’t, coped with it. This is followed by more chart news, ugly PS4s, a PvP beta for Ghost Recon: Wildlands and a final descent into three lettered conference chaos.
Need to keep us updated with what the insurance company says and when you get your gaming gear back.
Anyone gonna pick up the out of lives podcast that’s been a little quiet lately.