TNA 01 – Self-worth, Devil’s Advocates, ISIS admin and host Alex Kitson

We’re back at it again with another superb line-up and we’re doubly excited because we’re going to be recording it for our new podcast for the first time! Come...

We’re back at it again with another superb line-up and we’re doubly excited because we’re going to be recording it for our new podcast for the first time! Come on down and be part of history.

MC: Alex Kitson

Rebekah Louise
Firuz Ozari
Eddie FJ
Ted Milligan
Rosa Handscomb
Tara Pendragon
Harry Pugh
Celya Ab

ComedyPodcastThis Next Act

Aadil Kurji is an enigma. It is said that if you say Aadil into a mirror 6 times whilst standing on his face he will get very angry. Aadil makes up the entire team of the Out of Lives Canadian branch and for that he is sorry. Aadil hosts the popular beer and gaming podcast Tanked Up
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