Tanked Up 148 – Below a 40 Hour Work Week

Plus the myth of the January slump, Spider-Man and Below

This week Aadil, Ben and Lucy roughly stick to the new format of coming in with a segment each, huzzah. Ben brings the myth of the January slump. Lucy has games to discuss and chats Spider-Man’s DLC and Below. Aadil ends us on a big discussion around the 40 hour work week in game development kicked off by Patrick Klepek’s Waypoint article ‘How Slime Rancher made a ton of money and stuck to 40-hour workweeks’

For the beers this week Aadil drinks two from Wiper and true. He starts with ‘Red Orange’ and amber ale and follows it with the ‘Quintet’ IPA. Lucy drinks a ‘Chocolate Sombrero’ from Clown Shoes and finishes with ‘Pupa’ pale ale from Vibrant Forest. Ben has another stout week first drinking the big ‘Lifting Shadows’ a double chocolate orange stout from left Handed Giant and then a collaboration from Brick brewery x 12:51 Restaurant in the ‘Jerk Stout’.

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Ben is like a fine wine, he spends far to much time in cellars. He deliberately developed a stutter and a slur and walks with a limp to conceal his raging alcohol problem. Once beat up a fish for looking at him funny. Ben hosts the Tanked up podcast, but we are pretty sure he isn't aware of that.
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