The gang is all here and we start off with a chat about the Bristol Craft Beer Festival before moving on to some ‘not E3’ chat. Some games that caught our eye and of course the perenial discussion of what the heck this thing is supposed to be, and if it’s worth it. Some minor HALO news and chat occurred too. Ben and his family have been playing some Just Dance. Lucy played the 3D lemmings-like Humanity, while she takes her time with Lorelei and the Laser Eye and Animal Well. She also spent some time with Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip. Ben, by himself, played Songs of Silence Lucy has Brew York COLLABOR8 Texan BBQ Export Stout, a birthday collaboration with eight breweries. Ben also had a birthday beer: Verdant’s My Second Rodeo Birthday DIPA. Aadil had Baron’s Trust Issues Pale Ale.

A Turbo Trip past Not E3 (Tanked Up 411)
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