Saviorless Hands-On (Nintendo Switch)

Let’s get the awkward bit out of the way, shall we? I managed to break Saviorless in roughly 2 hours, so I was unable to progress beyond a certain...
Saviorless - Official Launch Trailer

Let’s get the awkward bit out of the way, shall we? I managed to break Saviorless in roughly 2 hours, so I was unable to progress beyond a certain point. There’s this door, right? And you need to redirect a giant laser through it. Well, there’s this lever you pull to lift open the door. I managed to die after opening the door and now every time I respawn, the lever to open the door can no longer be pulled to re-open it. So now I can’t redirect the giant laser through it, stopping me from playing any more of Saviorless.

As I was unable to get any further, it wouldn’t be fair for me to review it but I can at least let you know what I did get to see.

First of all, Saviorless is pretty cool. It’s the story of a kid told from the point of view of three God-like ‘Narrators’. Whether you’re experiencing a complete fabrication or not might be explained as the plot develops, as there were hints that the Narrators were able to control the outcome of the story depending on how they told it. This throws into question the philosophical debate of free will. How this tantalising thread develops though, I’ll never know.

In Saviorless, you can play as 3 different characters thanks to the Narrators telling different stories with different main characters. I imagine all 3 characters are connected somehow, or at the very least their stories combine into one, but I can’t express enough how I’ll never get a chance to find out. Do I sound bitter? That’s because I am. Unfortunately, I never got a chance to play as the third protagonist but I did get to play as the kid and a strong blue mooseman.

Saviorless is a hand-drawn Puzzle Adventure. If you’re familiar with the genre, you know what to expect: lots of dragging obstacles, activating switches, avoiding environmental hazards, and repeating the process until you reach the end of the level. Saviorless takes place in a dark and creepy world, almost as if it’s been plucked from the mind of Salvador Dalí. As I didn’t get to experience much, I don’t have much to tell you. I did get to chase a mystical heron around for a bit, and I got to break some wooden barriers as the mooseman. I was having a great time until the game broke. I don’t know if you can tell but it has soured my opinion of it.

Here are some pretty screenshots to show you what you can expect from Saviorless. If you decide to purchase it, I hope you get further than I did.

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