Adam Thomas

Adam is a Writer, Editor & Podcaster here at Out of Lives. He casts a wide net across popular culture with video games & anime, in particular, featuring heavily in his work for the site. Hailing from a town just outside Glasgow, this Scotsman can usually be found roaming the Northern Realms on The Path or behind the wheel of a Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Car.
  • Shooters Are Coming!

    Here we go! It’s the Autumn Holiday gaming run in; There are plenty of shooters on offer in 2015, starting tomorrow with Destiny’s The Taken King release! It’s widely anticipated to be a roaring success despite a few controversies and marketing/PR mishaps. upload.jpeg At any rate, I put together...
  • Celebrating Sound Design!

    Following on from last week’s blog where I was talking about music in games, I had an interesting conversation with Reddit user J96x_Rob_LFC about our thoughts and how differing ways of playing affects how you experience sounds and music in games. When playing a game like The Witcher 3...
  • The Saddest Day in a Gamers Life

    If you’ve been a gamer for a long time then you’ve probably experienced what I’m going to be talking about this week. When you’re excited to play something and you get all set up ready to go but something is wrong… I recently purchased a couple of PS1 games...
  • Konami Conundrum and Where Has Everybody Gone?

    Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture released last week and what an experience it proved to be. I absolutely loved it and will have a full review of the game going up shortly. I stopped myself after about an hour and made this video of my first impressions of the...
  • EA at Gamescom, What Did They Bring to The Table?

    Well it’s been quite the show already and it’s barely got started, Gamescom 2015 is turning out to be a very good show with a lot to see and a lot to talk about. I covered Microsoft in yesterday’s blog so today it’s EA’s turn after they had a...
  • So Microsoft Had a Conference

    So yesterday Microsoft had a lovely conference full of goodies for us to get hyped about. Are you hyped yet!? Before the conference began what was I hoping for? Well I was excited to see Platinum Games’ Scalebound, I wanted to see more on how Quantum Break would combine...
  • Why Paris?

    In today’s blog I’m going to look at what Sony is up to, you know, before Gamescom kicks off properly and it’s all news, news, news. So what is Sony doing? Well they are not doing a press conference at Gamescom this year, however they will be on the...
  • Rocket Powered!

    This week’s blog is not full of Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle-Cars but it is Rocket Powered, NASA will be jealous when they get around to reading this I can guarantee it. Rocket League released and is free for PS+ subscribers this month so hurry up and download it...
  • PSN 2.0, Is It Time?

    Yes it is, The End. Only joking, it isn’t the end. In fact this is only the start of the journey as we make our way to the Promised Land where PSN actually works 99% of the time, the download speeds aren’t pitiful and the hackers are locked out...