
Andy spent his childhood staying up late, playing games and eating junk food. He now writes about games too, nothing else has changed. You'll mostly find him playing Overwatch and streaming games badly on
  • Nintendo Switch Games Won’t Have to Offer TV Mode

    Earlier this week, Rayarks free to play rhythm game, VOEZ, was confirmed as a €20.99 European launch title for the Nintendo Switch. According to an FAQ on the games site, it will not offer a TV mode, and can only be played with the Switches touch interface. Until this...
  • Overwatch Season 3: A Post Mortem

    Season 3 has ended; we’re now in that period of anxiously twiddling our thumbs, waiting for the next one to begin. When it starts next week, Season 4 will likely give us another Meta shift; most heroes are getting small changes, with larger ones coming to Bastion and Roadhog....
  • Orwell – An Opinion

    You’re one of the first human users of Orwell, the government’s new security programme. As an investigator, you have the power to store information about specifically targeted citizens. You delve into websites, bank statements, phone conversations, and even private files. Data you pick is given to an adviser, who...