Latest in: Nintendo

  • The Return Of Pokemon – Catch Them All Again?

    So over the next few weeks and months, Pokèmon will be making a bit of a return. I say a bit of a return as technically it never actually went anywhere, but with the re-release of the original trading card game on the horizon, special edition packages of Pokèmon...
  • Retro Gaming Collections

    The nostalgia for ‘old school’ gaming grows ever stronger. Wired controllers and having to blow into the console or into the cartridge are but distant memories in the age of the disc and the digital download. As time passes, more and more gamers are seeking to find those games...
  • Farewell Satoru Iwata, Hello King of the Nerds

    Earlier in the week I unintentionally listened to an E3 2014 podcast by Eurogamer. I didn’t realise it was from 2014 when I started listening to it but once I start something I see it through to the end (that’s a lie). I recommend everyone makes the same mistake...
  • Nintendo NX, Metriod Prime Federation Force

    I couldn’t be more British; I complain when it’s too hot and I complain when it’s too wet. I should be grateful I’m not boiling in Greece or freezing in Russia, but I’m not. During my school years I went through a stage of wanting to be a meteorologist...