Latest in: PC

  • Why Gears 5 is My Favourite of the Series

    The following article contains spoilers for Gears 5. Read on at your peril! While I now consider myself a fan of the Gears of War franchise, I only began playing the games this past year. Since January I have been playing through the series in their order of release,...
  • Untitled Goose Game

    Untitled Goose Game – Review (Maybe… We’ll see how far I get in writing this before I hit a depressive mood and stop)   Geese are bastards. You know it, I know it, and this beautiful game knows it.   I wasn’t sure what to expect from Untitled Goose...
  • Football Drama

    I’ve been struggling with Football Drama. It’s a small indie title by Open Lab Games, released on Steam, iOS & Android. The premise is an interesting one. It’s a satirical take on Football management inspired by the vast amounts of literature on the subject and the narratives that come...
  • My Love-Hate Relationship with Assassin’s Creed Odyssey’s Atlantis DLC

    Greece is beautiful. Oh, in real life sure, but I’m talking about the Peloponnesian War-era Greece that’s open to explore in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey. I’ve spent an almost embarrassing number of hours in the game, most of which are spent in the most picturesque digital landscapes imaginable. But for...
  • Rocket League at Dreamhack Montreal (2019)

    Dreamhack Pro Circuit took place last weekend in Montreal, Canada. A Rocket League LAN tournament with a selection of the best teams from across the world competing to become champions. One of a few such tournaments held around the world throughout the year but it’s the first one I’ve...
  • The Agony Of 1v1 in Rocket League

    So, the new competitive Season has started for Rocket League. In the last season, Season 11, I finally managed to achieve my Diamond Season Rank reward for the first time. The ranks – Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond, Champion & Grand Champion – are as competitive as ever. In...
  • How The Modern Warfare Alpha Made Me A Call of Duty Fan Again

    Back when I was 13, Call of Duty was the main staple of my gaming life. There were other games and franchises I played but Call of Duty was a constant. And I was pretty good. That’s not arrogance speaking but rather the confident memory of having those lightning-fast...
  • First Time Playing: Gears of War 4

    New console, new characters, new story, new trilogy. I started this ‘First Time Playing’ series as an effort to catch up on the Xbox exclusive games I missed out on while being a PlayStation gamer in the PS3/360 generation. In terms of the Gears of War franchise, that mission...
  • First Time Playing: Gears of War: Judgement

    I’m on a quest to fill in the blanks of my gaming history by playing the Xbox games I had previously missed out on by for the longest time sticking exclusively to my PlayStation. The Gears of War franchise is my first port of call and while playing the...