Latest in: PC

  • Doom Eternal – Hand on Impression

    Coming off of Doom 2016, I was left feeling a sense of bittersweetness. This awesome nonstop series of escalating, adrenaline-pumping action set pieces culminated in an epic finale that left me wanting more. But could they possibly reach the highs that I had just played through? At Quakecon 2019...
  • Quakecon 2019 – Scott’s Experience

    After traversing the difficulties of British transport I eventually arrived at the Media Day of Quakecon 2019 The Year of Doom. This time the event wasn’t just held in Texas but they also had a European front based in London, with people from over 37 countries attending Quakecon Europe...
  • First Time Playing: Gears of War 3

    I’ve always thought 2011 was an incredible year for gaming. Skyrim, Portal 2, Batman: Arkham City, Uncharted 3, Dead Space 2 and many more. They’re some of my all-time favourites but now I know that 2011 was an even better year than I previously thought. Gears of War 3...
  • Total War: Three Kingdoms

    This is the fourth article in a series recounting & reviewing my time with Total War: Three Kingdoms. Developed by Creative Assembly & Published by Sega. Our thanks go to Creative Assembly for providing the site with a review code. Campaign mode played is Romance Mode   I have spent...
  • Bei The Builder

    This is the third article in a series where I recount and review my time with Total War: Three Kingdoms by Creative Assembly. You can find the first article here & the second article here. Thank you to Creative Assembly for providing a review code to the site. This...
  • A Persistent Foe

    This is the second article in a series that will be recounting and reviewing my experiences with Total War: Three Kingdoms. You can find the first article here. Thank you to Creative Assembly for providing a code. This article is about a Romance mode campaign.   The Tiger of...
  • A Kingdom Long United Must Divide

    This is the first in a series of articles recounting and reviewing various aspects of the game, Total War: Three Kingdoms. Developed by Creative Assembly & Published by Sega. Thank you to Creative Assembly for providing us with a review code. Check back for more later in the week....
  • Praising Prague: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Fantastic City Hub

    I remember writing about how excited I was for the upcoming release of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the sequel to the superb Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as one of my first scribblings for OutofLives. And now I’ve finally gotten around to playing it; it only took three years and...
  • Islanders Review

    Islanders may have the city builder tag on Steam but it’s much more than that, and a whole lot less. Described by Grizzly Games, who develop and publish the game, as a minimalist strategy game; it’s a seriously stripped back settlement builder. Minimalism extends all through Islanders. From its...