Latest in: PC

  • Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Review

    Disclosure – review copy was provided for this review Going into Battle for the Grid I was cautiously optimistic. For someone like me, a casual fighting game fan there needs to be a strong theme and more importantly good fun fighting mechanics. My expectation where met and even exceeded...
  • First Time Playing: Gears of War

    I’ve always been a PlayStation gamer. I remember my sister getting a PS2 for Christmas one year and, when she would let me, I would play The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers game over and over again. Soon after, my dad bought me an old PS1 from...
  • You Spin Me Right Round

    The clouds are thick, and threatening. The rain is hammering down. I can barely hear the rumbles of thunder or the rumble of the afterburners over the constant beeping from my cockpit. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. It never stops; not even for a moment as the missiles close in....
  • Detonation Imminent

    Since Elite: Dangerous launched 4 years ago so many things have changed. Frontier Developments have been tirelessly working on adding and improving this Space Sim MMO of theirs. But until recently one aspect of the game that hadn’t really seen any of that is mining. I wrote in a...
  • “How difficult can it be?” and other naive thoughts about Trinity, (1986)

    It’s three a-m, and I am throwing both hands up in the air in frustration as I get lost again along an already well-trodden path. Or in this case, a network of pathways all leading to one of two conclusions: Success or Death. I have been playing Infocom’s text-based...
  • Immortal: Unchained Hand on Impressions

    I was invited to a preview event to get my hands…hand on some upcoming games these impressions are based on in development build and things are more than likely going to change between the time of writing and launch that being said let’s get into it. I and co-host of...
  • Devil Daggers lunch break let’s play

    It’s lunch time and Ben’s moved house so has some back catalogue catching up to do starting with Devil Daggers. It’s pure carnage. “Devil Daggers is a fast-paced shooter that places you in an abyssal arena to face endless legions of demons. Armed with versatile magic daggers and a...
  • Far Cry 5: Five things I love, One I hate

    Far Cry 5 is fastly becoming one of my all-time favorite games, and whilst my review is still in progress I thought I would list the five things I love and one that I just cannot stand.   Love; Hope County   The first and most awe-inspiring part of...
  • Cycle 28 Lunch Time Let’s Play

    Join Ben as he delves further into Cycle 28, a 2D arcade space shooter from Pillbug Interactive. The game released on steam and is building an avid community around it. Ben explores the gameplay, chasing high scores and the mystery that is the story. It’s got a brilliant low-fi...