Latest in: PC

  • Cycle 28 Beta Impressions

    Cycle 28, developed by Pill Bug Interactive, is a 2D arcade space shooter with a twist. “As Olivia Bergen – a flight lieutenant that has become separated from her fleet – you only know Cycle 27. You live it over, and over, and over again. And if that wasn’t...
  • Civilization 6 Lunch Break Impressions – Part 1

    It’s lunch time and Ben has nothing better to do than play some video games. Being a big Civilization fan who sacrilegiously missed 6 when it released he thought it was probably time to give it a go. Especially as the new expansion releases pretty soon. Whilst he think’s...
  • Free Games! – Carmageddon 2000 TDR

    What’s this? Free games? You better believe it! Currently Good Ol’ Games is giving away Carmegeddon TDR 2000 for the next 40 hours. Grab it while its hot!   Yes, it’s the game literally… SOME of you asked for! And so, in the spirit of “well, alright then, if you insist…” we...
  • Police Quest: Swat -Does It Hold Up?

    It’s time to put on the Nostalgia Goggles and take a look back and ask, Police Quest: Swat, does it hold up? Nostalgia Goggles is a weekly show. Make sure you like, share and subscribe so you never miss an episode, and let us know if you think it...
  • PUBG on Xbox One or PS4, who knows!

    Sony and Microsoft have got themselves into a pissing match, again. This time over Bluehole’s Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG). At E3 2017 Microsoft made the big claim of having PUBG on Xbox One as a console launch exclusive, which Microsoft is publishing for the console. Yet more recently rumours have...
  • Andy Serkis Discusses Planet Of The Apes: Last Frontier at EGX 2017

    Andy Serkis, best known for his roles as Gollum and more recently Ceaser, appeared at EGX this year to discuss the new game from his studio The Imaginarium. Planet Of The Apes: The Last Frontier is set within the continuity of the new series of movies and takes place...
  • Shooty Fruity – My Game Of Show EGX 2017

    This year EGX boasted the best lineup of games the trade show has seen in its 10-year history. The heavy hitters were out in force to promote their games and the likes of Assassins Creed origins, Far Cry 5 and Mario Oddysy were wowing attendees, so why then is...
  • Hands on at EGX: Forgotton Anne

    Another game flying under the Square Enix banner is a beautiful looking adventure game called Forgotton Anne. It has a gorgeous anime style to it that looks like it could be straight out of Studio Ghibli. Most of the gameplay that I saw was that of a standard 2d adventure...
  • Hands on at EGX: Fear Effect Sedna

    A forgotten gem has resurfaced in a new shape and style, and that gem is Fear Effect with its newest incarnation Fear Effect Sedna. There are actually two Fear Effect games on the horizon; Sedna and an HD remake of the original game from the PS1. Developed by Sushee under Square-Enix’s banner Fear Effect Sedna is a...