- Face in the dirt. Ears filled with screams. Wake up, prisoner. You need to… ‘Breathe…’ …Remember. A girl. A chair. A bomb. Just keep… ‘…Calm…’ …Pushing backwards. Follow the voice, the deep red voice. Wires. Deep in the skull. Deep in your memory. Deep in your pain. You must…...
- Racers have been owning the place until today – time to set the record straight! Join the cops and put an end to their supremacy in frantic, high-risk pursuits all over the USA. Zoe, an undercover FBI agent, recruits you to become an elite police driver, tasked with cleaning...
- Frank West returns to the open-world survival that is Dead Rising 4, where the Megaplex of Williamette, Colarado falls victim to a zombie outbreak. With a thousand different weapon combinations Frank will uncover the truth behind the outbreak. Courtesy of IGN, here are 10 minutes of gameplay from Gamescom...
- Check out the latest trailer from developer Playtonic Games for the upcoming 3D platformer Yooka-Laylee Yooka and Laylee must traverse the Hivory Towers to find the Pagies (golden book pages) needed to explore the mysterious Grand Tomes as they battle to stop Capital B and Dr. Quack from absorbing all...
- Publisher 2K has released a trailer comparing the original Bioshock franchise against the newly remastered Bioshock: The Collection. The newly released trailer highlights the revamped cut-scenes and overall improved graphical fidelity of the gameplay, and while the differences aren’t mind blowing, the images are sharper and the textures more rich so you’ll...
- The Surge is a hardcore Sci-Fi Action RPG with an emphasis on melee combat. Set in a not-too-distant future, the world has been severely impacted by climate change. You control Warren who works for CREO, a company who wants to resolve the problems that global warming has caused. Here...
- Konami announced Metal Gear Survive at this year’s Gamescom, which is a multiplayer co-op game based directly within the Metal Gear Universe. Set directly after the events of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, Survive will look to “offer a fresh take on the series’ famed stealth elements” according to...
- The Gamescom trailers keep on coming and up next is the newest trailer for Ghost Recon Wildlands. The new trailer focuses on the customisation of your character and the weapons you can use in the open world game from Ubisoft. Want to glam yourself up in a ghillie suit?...
- The first trailer has been released for Zombies in Spaceland, the latest zombie adventure coming to Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare this November. The retro 80’s inspired trailer takes players through a space adventure theme park on a mission to destroy the zombie horde with Relax Don’t Do It!...