Latest in: PlayStation

  • Praising Prague: Deus Ex: Mankind Divided’s Fantastic City Hub

    I remember writing about how excited I was for the upcoming release of Deus Ex: Mankind Divided, the sequel to the superb Deus Ex: Human Revolution, as one of my first scribblings for OutofLives. And now I’ve finally gotten around to playing it; it only took three years and...
  • The State of Play in May

    Tonight we’ve another State of Play coming from Sony. Announced this week, on Tuesday, via Twitter we know it will feature a look at MediEvil and reveal an unannounced game. This state of play comes a lot sooner than I thought it would, and I’m very pleased with that....
  • Really, there will be a Ps5?

    Obviously, the title of this piece is sarcastic (it’s absurd I even think I have to mention it) but we have had some information revealed about Sony’s next-generation console. Their low key approach continues as Mark Cerney discussed the console with Wired and showed them a few of the...
  • Gran Turismo Sport

    Polyphony Digital and the Gran Turismo franchise hold a special place in my heart. I remember as a young kid getting stuck on the licences, my older cousin would do them all and give me the save on a memory card. I remember getting a go of the red...
  • Awesome Pea Revved-View (PlayStation 4)

    Inspired by the limited word count of social media and the quick-fire, unfiltered conversations that take place inside of them, Revved-Views is where I will attempt to review a game as concisely and as informal as possible. We’re all friends here, so rev your engines and come on this...
  • Moonlighter Revved-View (PlayStation 4)

    Inspired by the limited word count of social media and the quick-fire, unfiltered conversations that take place inside of them, Revved-Views is where I will attempt to review a game as concisely and as informal as possible. We’re all friends here, so rev your engines and come on this...
  • Glass Masquerade Review (PlayStation 4)

    Glass Masquerade is a relaxing (sometimes irritating) glorified jigsaw puzzle game where the jigsaw pieces are remnants of shattered stained-glass clocks. Set inside a museum, you’re tasked with fixing these beautiful pieces of art by piecing the broken shards back together. Simply drag and drop the pieces onto the...
  • Playing Pode On My Own Made Me Feel Lonely

    Pode is a cute co-up puzzle game about a cube of stone and a fallen star teaming up to reach the top of a mountain-tree-thing. Each character has its own unique skills that when combined open the doors to some interesting physics-based riddles and gameplay. I previewed Pode at...
  • Power Rangers Battle for the Grid Review

    Disclosure – review copy was provided for this review Going into Battle for the Grid I was cautiously optimistic. For someone like me, a casual fighting game fan there needs to be a strong theme and more importantly good fun fighting mechanics. My expectation where met and even exceeded...