Latest in: PlayStation

  • State of Play, what did you expect!

    Playstation held its first State of Play for 2019 this week, its new way of communicating announcements through the year. We knew Sony was going to do something different with its messaging after both dropping out of E3 and not holding the United States based PlayStation Experience in 2018....
  • Moving forward with PlayStation Plus

    March is here and the PlayStation Plus games have been revealed and released for the month. We knew there was going to be a change. Sony told us last year, when it seemed so far away, that PS3 and Vita games were no longer going to be included. I...
  • You Spin Me Right Round

    The clouds are thick, and threatening. The rain is hammering down. I can barely hear the rumbles of thunder or the rumble of the afterburners over the constant beeping from my cockpit. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. It never stops; not even for a moment as the missiles close in....
  • Detonation Imminent

    Since Elite: Dangerous launched 4 years ago so many things have changed. Frontier Developments have been tirelessly working on adding and improving this Space Sim MMO of theirs. But until recently one aspect of the game that hadn’t really seen any of that is mining. I wrote in a...
  • God of War-dio(book)

    God of War (PS4), released earlier this year, is creeping back into conversations amongst gamers; As part of the annual tradition of arguing about which game each individual thinks is the Game of The Year (GOTY). We all enjoy a bit of (mostly) friendly discussion based on our experiences...
  • The Surge The Good, The Bad, and The Augmented

    The Good, The Bad, And The Augmented Review (PlayStation 4)

    The Surge’s second DLC The Good, The Bad, and The Augmented throws Warren into a testing chamber that simulates the Wild West, and although that sounds like an epic environment to decapitate CREO employees in it’s actually a laborious slog that has fallen so far from what you would...
  • The full PlayStation Classic line up

    It’s here. The full list of games for the PlayStation Classic were revealed on the PlayStation blog earlier this week. I previously put forward a bunch of games I’d like to see on the machine and, a few of them are actually appearing on it. Here I’m going to...
  • What I want from the PlayStation Classic

    Last month Sony announced, via the PlayStation blog, that the PlayStation Classic would be launching later this year (2018). Similar in concept to Nintendo’s classic re-released consoles it will come pre-loaded with a number of classic games which originated on the PlayStation. So, what do we know about the...
  • The Gardens Between Header

    The Gardens Between Review (PlayStation 4)

    In a garden between two suburban houses two best friends are hanging out in their treehouse fortress when a storm hits, catapulting them into a dimension curated by their shared memories. Stranded on micro islands constructed from giant versions of their favourite things, Arina and Frendt must manipulate time...