Latest in: PlayStation

  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 67 – Pitchforks At The Ready!

    The Out of Lives Podcast returns in style this week; featuring Adam, Dave & Mete. The topics up for discussion include: Why Mete is actually a Danish female, why Adam is likely to be lynched by DC Comic fanatics and why you shouldn’t let Dave have access to your...
  • How Do You Solve A Problem Like Virginia?

    Another great article from guest author Duncan Parsons. Read on for his thoughts on Virginia, and find out how you can reach him at the end! Be warned, this article contains spoilers, which we have marked up later in the piece. I played through Virginia a few days ago....
  • Shu Review

    Shu is a 2.5D sidescrolling platformer not too dissimilar from the original Sonic games. With an emphasis on speed you play as Shu, a member of a species of bird people, who must race across 5 different locales before an ensuing destructive storm can catch up. Shu isn’t just...
  • What Dark Souls Gets Right About Medieval Combat

    “Oh Good! Someone else to bang on about how great bloody Dark Souls is!” I hear you cry. That’s fair. There can’t be much left that Dark Souls hasn’t been praised for, and its combat alone has certainly garnered a fair amount of acclaim. But here I am, hoping...
  • 5 Of The Best Deals on PSN

    Black Friday is upon us and you know what that means… That’s right; it is time for your wallet to cry out in agony, as your bank balance depletes, while you splash the cash on some amazing deals. Check out all the trailers below and a link to the...
  • A Serious Skill Shortage

    Unless you are 12 years old, have no actual responsibilities and no desire to go outside – you will have experienced this phenomenon. Marathon runners refer to “The Wall” as a point during the race, ¾’s of the way through, where your body has used all its energy and...
  • Fighting to The Top

    I spent the last weekend sulking about not receiving a Gwent Beta Code when everyone else at Out of Lives did. As you do. Fortunately, salvation for me came in the form of a brand-new game: Dragonball XenoVerse 2.   I’m a big fan of the Dragonball franchise; it...
  • My Future of Play

    I recently attended PlayStation’s Future of Play tour to try my hand at some more PSVR. It was to be my first experience of VR but due to fellow Tanked Up host Aadil purchasing a unit it became my second. I took the morning off from Dad duties and...
  • “You’re Playing It Again!?”

    It is a phrase that has become familiar to me recently – along with “You’re still playing that?” in a confused/exasperated tone – as I have begun a fresh play through of The Witcher 3. Regular listeners of Out of The XFire will know that I am a massive...