Latest in: PlayStation

  • Rocket League Cross Play Arrives Today!

      The Independent videogame developer Psyonix, has announced today that the massively popular Rocket League now supports cross-­network play between the Xbox One and Steam PC versions. This gives them the prestigious award for being the first-ever Xbox One game to do so. Since its launch in February this year,...
  • Pac-Man 256 Coming to Consoles and Steam

    Waka-Waka-Waka..That’s Pac-Man for “I’m Baaaaack!” Yes that’s right, your trusted yellow chomper that battles the paranormal and enjoys the occasional piece of fruit is making his glorious return to console and PC. Bandai-Namco has released a trailer announcing the return of Pac-Man to Xbox One, PS4 and Steam. Pac-Man 256 was originally a 2015 Android and...
  • Uncharted 4 – First Week Sales

    Millions of gamers worldwide have joined Nathan Drake on his global adventures across the globe. It’s hard to believe that his latest adventure was released 2 weeks ago on Playstation 4. News has been released that  Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End exceeded 2.7 million units globally (both Blu-Ray and...
  • Play Mirror’s Edge Catalyst 5 Days Early

    Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is set to launch on June 7th in the US and June 9th in the UK, but you’ll be able to play the game 5 days earlier.   Gamers who are subscribed to EA Access on Xbox One and Origin Access on PC will be able to...
  • The Division 1.2 Gear Updates

    As of tomorrow the wait will be over and we’ll get to see the biggest update to The Division since launch. The latest patch 1.2 will deliver a number of new gear sets to collect while fighting in the Dark Zone. Details released of the gear are as follows: Hunter’s...
  • Isle of Man TT Game in Development

    When you see a rider screaming around the Isle of Man on a super-bike at over 170 MPH you immediately think “They are nuts!!” However there is something about the annual Tourist Trophy event that takes place on the island every year that has not only bike enthusiasts, but fans...
  • Unravel 2 confirmed by EA

    Unravel was one of the best puzzle platform games for a long time, mixing stunning artwork with incredible level design and game play mechanics it was a hit with critics and gamers a like, so it comes as no surprise the charming little game is getting a sequel.  ...
  • Titanfall 2 release date leaked

    Titanfall 2 Reportedly Set To Launch On August 30th. EA has already confirmed that we are getting a sequel to Titanfall this year but they have yet confirmed a release date. Now an image from Middle East retailer MePlay appears to have leaked the date of the game. According to the site the...
  • Steam Might Love The Neo

    As many of you will know, especially if you listen to the Out of the Xfire podcast, I am firmly against the idea of “Upgradable Consoles”. The rumours surrounding Sony and the PS4.5/PS4K/PS4 Neo are a worrying sign for me as a console gamer. I’m sure you are all...