Latest in: PlayStation

  • PlayStation Store leaks COD 2016 as “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare”

      It looks like Sony made a mistake: The PlayStation Store in NA on PS4 has received its weekly update, and they’ve added a banner page for ‘Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare,’ which appears to be the title of this year’s game. As of this writing, the listing has...
  • Outlast 2 Gameplay – Pax East

    Outlast 2 GameplayWatch this video on YouTube...
  • Rocket League Title 5 Update Patch Notes

    THE HEADLINES Added “NBA Flag Pack” DLC, including… (DLC) 30 NBA team flags Added NBA Logo flag The “Rocket Labs” experimental playlist is now available for casual Online play The “Hoops” playlist is now available in casual playlists, Private Matches and Exhibition. New Item Rarity system introduced, “Common” and...
  • Ratchet & Clank – Review (PS4)

    It was billed as a reimagining of the original but Insomniac Games have done a lot more than that. They didn’t just recreate the old game, throw some glitter on it along with a couple shiny new weapons and send it on its way. The development team have done...
  • No Man’s Sky: The Hypocrisy Machine

    Courtesy of IGN First there is now another video of No Man’s Sky gameplay to share with the world. Up until now we’ve assumed the planets are pretty much empty and untouched by intelligent life, most likely because we’ve been force-fed that drivel since day one. But, as revealed...
  • Selling Your Digital Games

    Hear me moan, Back in November 2014 I expressed my desire for the existence of a digital marketplace where gamers could share or trade in their digital purchases. There was some talk of shareable game libraries back when the XB1 and PS4 were first announced but little progress has...
  • Out of the Xfire – Episode 15 – The Secret Six

    Happy Easter from the Out of the Xfire team! We’ve been given the gift of some feedback this week! (Hooray!) Shots are fired in multiple directions during this (Season 6) spectacular episode, where the team Dare(Devil) to talk about TV, at length, on a PlayStation podcast… We did still...
  • PS4K!

    Rumours suggest we may see Sony launch a PS4.5, dubbed PS4K by the internet, which has a significant GPU upgrade allowing full 4K output for games and video. It seems unlikely but let’s speculate wildly anyway. Consoles usually have at least one major redesign during their lives, commonly taking...
  • Playstation VR Can Wait

    Hear me moan, PlayStation-VR It happened at 9pm on a Tuesday. We were wrapping up Episode 14 of the Out of the X Fire Podcast when Andrew House took to the stage to reveal PlayStation VR’s price and release date. I watched the event unfold on my phone, thanks...