Latest in: PlayStation

  • Out of the Xfire – Episode 1 – The Phantom Podcast

    Welcome to the first episode of Out of The Xfire – the new PlayStation podcast from the Out of Lives Network. Out of the Xfire – Episode 1 – The Phantom Podcast...
  • An Interesting Conversation with my Dad

    I was talking to my dad recently – we’ve just moved house and bought a new TV for the living room – about the poor quality of the built in speakers. Perhaps I could start buying him a surround sound system piece by piece for Christmas and birthdays for...
  • PSVR – Immersive Experience or Immersive Excrement

    Up until last week I firmly believed that Playstation VR was going to warrant the alleged £400 price tag. Up until last week I was firmly under the impression that the power encapsulated in my black box of beauty coupled with the creativity of VR would mean that I...
  • Journey, Unchallenging and Unrewarding

    Journey, the award-winning indie game developed by Thatgamecompany, has been praised by thousands since its debut in 2012. I’ve only ever heard great things about it so I picked it up cheap for Playstation 4 during Black Friday – and this is going to be quite a short blog...
  • What do i Want from PSX?

    That’s right folks, this weekend is PlayStation Experience Weekend and we are all expecting it to be a good show. Obviously there will be plenty to see and play if you are lucky enough to be at the event. I sadly won’t be, like many of you, so here...
  • Why Call of Duty needs to return to World War Two

    With the recent release of Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 and the ever increasing need for the reactions of a cat on speed, I feel I have to address something that a lot of Call of Duty fans have been yearning for in recent years. That something is...
  • Microsoft’s Tomb is Sony’s Raid

    Whether you like it or not, Fallout 4 has been an all consuming force. It’s been marketed everywhere and drowned out everything else. Lara Croft has been clinging on by her fingertips and the next few days will tell us if she is going to fall off and be...
  • Star Wars Battlefront – The Force Is Strong With This One

    Those visitors who visited for the first ever post to the blog will be aware that its debut article was a mini-review of the Star Wars Battlefront Beta so it seems fitting that in the week of its release, Mete-Critic revisits SWBF for a full preview! SWBF will be...
  • Why the Vita is in a Perfect Place For Sony

    E3, Gamescom and Paris Games Week have all came and gone with barely a peep spoken about the Vita by Sony, except to say that there are no 1st party titles in development, and all indications are that PSX next month will be no different. There has been a...