Latest in: PlayStation

  • Retro Gaming Collections

    The nostalgia for ‘old school’ gaming grows ever stronger. Wired controllers and having to blow into the console or into the cartridge are but distant memories in the age of the disc and the digital download. As time passes, more and more gamers are seeking to find those games...
  • Assassins Creed – Glitch City

    Assassin’s Creed Syndicate; The 9th iteration into the world of the Templars and the secret order of the Assassins. This year’s annual release sees a hotly anticipated trip to ‘ye old London town’ as the game’s main protagonists Jacob and Evie Frye (twins) look to track down a Piece...
  • Paris Games Week 2015

    Welcome to Mete-Crtic’s short highlight piece of the Sony Playstation Conference at Paris Games Week 2015. There were a lot of games covered at the conference but here’s just a few highlights to get people stuck in to whilst they look to catch up: Sony opened the conference with...
  • Best Unchartered Moments so Far

    With a few short weeks until we get to play the Uncharted Trilogy on the PS4 and Uncharted 4 hitting shelves in March next year, I thought I’d take a look at some of the best Uncharted moments so far: Young Drake Some of the best moments in the...
  • The Handmade Fair, Dislike Button and TGS

    I’m posting this week’s excuse-of-an-entry a few days early because I’m super-busy attending Kirstie Allsopp’s Handmade Fair selling premium quality cotton fabric perfect for patchwork, quilting and dressmaking. I had a spare moment last week to play Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes and I’m not sure if the game...
  • Metal Gear Solid V:The Phantom Pain, The Last Man on Earth and Loud Commuters

    In an effort to streamline my blog I’m going to make another cut – the intro! Its original purpose was to ease everyone in or to take a personal (or comical) dig at somebody but I feel like I have reached a point where I can dive straight into...
  • Everybody’s Gone to the Rapture, The Invisible Evie Frye

    Greetings; It’s that time of the week again. Peter Gorbert said I shouldn’t do good news intros anymore so I’m scrapping them. Apparently they were killing the mood. Normally I would tell him to shove his recommendations up his arsehole but until someone complains and asks for it back...
  • PSN 2.0, Is It Time?

    Yes it is, The End. Only joking, it isn’t the end. In fact this is only the start of the journey as we make our way to the Promised Land where PSN actually works 99% of the time, the download speeds aren’t pitiful and the hackers are locked out...
  • MGS: Ground Zeros and Why I Liked It?

    Hello and welcome to this week’s blog! I thought since it’s less than 2 months away from the release of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain on September 1st, I’d give MGS: Ground Zeroes a try after downloading it for free last month on PS+. What better way...