Latest in: PlayStation

  • Microsoft’s Ace Move and Playstation Now What?

    BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY! We thought we’d never see it happen and according to Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox, he didn’t think they would manage it. But they tried anyway and now have delivered an excellent strike, a sucker punch against Sony, to continue their ascendency in “The Console War”. Now...
  • Third Time Lucky

    Hello again! Since E3 is right around the corner (Yes I checked and it is there) I figured I should probably jump on the bandwagon of predictions and crackpot theories. But I’m not going to since at the time of writing this half of the “surprises” have already been...
  • My Second and Defiantly not the First

    Hello again! And welcome back to the Plenty of Lives blog, a blog written by a hopeless amateur as evidenced by the fact that in my first blog I forgot to properly explain what this blog was for! Silly me. The Plenty of Lives blog is a blog focused...

    My week started badly. I was heavily criticised by Dave Wyatt and Holly Beckwick for not moaning enough. Are you kidding me? I’m breaking everyone in gently so I don’t alienate my audience too soon. I have a heart you know – It’s decaying and smells like rotting bird...