Latest in: News

  • Rocket League – Collector’s Edition Coming This Summer

    With the outstanding success of the jet fueled Rocket League, it was only a matter of time until we got ourselves a Collector’s Edition and alas it has arrived. The Official Rocket League YouTube channel released a video today announcing the new edition. It’s described as follows: “The long-awaited, Rocket...
  • Modern Warfare Trilogy Collection Coming to Xbox

    Don’t celebrate just yet, unfortunately the collection will only be coming to last gen consoles. This news comes via retailer Best Buy . The collection is listed as $29.99 and features a 3 disc set containing all three games from the series. Whether or not this means the games will be...
  • Marvel’s Agent Carter Cancelled, Most Wanted Passed On

    Originally posted by Scott Sedman Today is a sad day for Marvel television. ABC has decided not to renew Agent Carter for a third season. Carter struggled with ratings way back in season 1 however was given a second shot unfortunately season 2 delivered even lower ratings despite similar...
  • Sega Is Looking Into a Shenmue HD Collection

    Good news Shenmue fans, your HD Remaster isn’t a complete pipe dream. Courtesy of the Sega Europe YouTube channel we now have a quote directly from the horses mouth. On their Sega Central video, in which they answer fan questions, user TheSkillJim asked if Shemnue 1 & 2 would ever...
  • Ratchet & Clank is the best-selling game on the PlayStation Store (April 2016).

    The Ratchet & Clank movie may have bombed in the US box Office but that hasn’t affected game sales. In fact Sony has announced that Insomniac Games’ Ratchet & Clank was the best selling PS4 game in the month of April and the fastest selling in the franchises history. Playstation...
  • Jessica Jones Season 2 Filming Back to Back with The Defenders

    Marvel’s Netflix schedule is already pretty extensive, especially now that they have announced a Punisher spinoff. But Jessica Jones fans needn’t panic as Krysten Ritter says Season 2 will start production immediately after the small screen team up series ‘The Defenders’. When speaking with DigitalSpy about the now very...
  • The Assassins Creed Movie Gets A Trailer!

    One of the biggest video game franchises is getting a movie and I don’t mean Angry Birds. Obviously I am talking about The Assassins Creed Movie, which finally received it’s first official trailer! Assassin's Creed Starring Michael Fassbender | Official HD Trailer #1 | 2016Watch this video on YouTube...
  • 5 New Games Added To Xbox One Backwards Compatibility

    They just keep on coming. Another 5 Xbox 360 games have been added to Xbox One. They are as follows: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Faery: Legends of Avalon Final Fight: Double Impact Frogger 2 Puzzlegeddon   We’ll keep you updated should anymore games be announced. You can find all Xbox One backwards compatible...
  • ‘Nerve’ Official Trailer 1 Drops

    The first official trailer for Dave Franco’s latest film Nerve has been released. Directed by Henry Joost and Ariel Schulman the film also stars Emma Roberts.  The Synopsis is as follows: A high school senior finds herself immersed in an online game of truth or dare, where her every move starts to...