Latest in: Opinion

  • Skul: The Hero Slayer Early Access Preview

    As this is a preview of an Early Access build on Steam the opinions stated are solely based on version 2.2.2. Bear in mind that as Skul: The Hero Slayer’s planned release date is January 2021, and based on the latest patch notes by Southpaw Games, version 2.2.2 sounds...
  • Which Early MCU Characters Will Return in Falcon And The Winter Soldier?

    Weaving an intricate yet colossal tale across 23 films and counting, the Marvel Cinematic Universe is consistently praised for its foresight and planning. Yet Kevin Feige’s series of interconnected films were once not so tightly plotted. Back in ‘Phase 1’, when the MCU as we know it today felt...
  • The Mandalorian Season 2 Finale Review

    The Mandalorian season 2 has now concluded and what a journey it was. While not perfect, the show expanded in scope and connected to disparate parts of the canon, all while maintaining a strong and emotional core with the relationship between the eponymous hero and his little green friend....
  • Questions and Hopes for the Future of Star Wars

    Last week on Disney’s Investor Day, the future of Star Wars, along with Marvel and many other Disney projects, was solidified. In short, there’s a hell of a lot of it coming. We may be three years out from the next big screen Star Wars experience, but there’s an...
  • Metal Unit 1280x720 Header

    Metal Unit Early Access Preview

    As this is a preview of an Early Access build on Steam the opinions stated are solely based on version 000.902. Bear in mind that as Metal Unit’s planned release date is December 2020, and based on the latest patch notes by JellySnow Studio, version 000.902 sounds like it’s...
  • David Lynch is the YouTuber 2020 Desperately Needs

    You don’t need me to tell you that 2020 is a terrible year. It sucks. And thankfully, it’s almost over. Yet there have been some bright lights in the darkness, and at the top of my list of the year’s much needed wholesome endeavours is something I never thought...
  • Geek Out Weakly 4 – The Mandalorian Season 2 (pt. 1)

    This week Ben and Aadil return to the gritty Star Wars world of The Mandalorian. We discuss the first half, four episodes, of season 2. Brief rundowns, favourite scenes and our hopes and dreams for the back half of this gripping show. Geek Out Weakly is live on twitch...
  • Trophies on PlayStation 5 Need Improvement

    When most players get their hands on a PlayStation 5, their first concern isn’t Trophies – those gaming achievements that pop with a satisfying sound and offer a faux sense of accomplishment that make the hundreds of hours put into non-gratifying tasks seem a little less pitiful. As you...
  • The PlayStation 5 is a Podcast and Social Media Killer

    The PlayStation 5 demands your attention. Its snappy UI and general ease of use make it a joy to traverse, and the games its offering at launch, phenomenal. This push into ‘Next Gen’ and the convenient brevity that comes with it has not only changed the way I game...