Latest in: Opinion

  • Discovering Dishonored

    With the PlayStation 5 on the horizon, I’ve dedicated the past few months of gaming to filling in some of those gaps we all have in our respective gaming knowledge by playing through acclaimed games and franchises that I’ve somehow left untouched. The Bioshock games were fantastic, as were...
  • Revisiting Call of Duty: Black Ops on its 10th Anniversary

    After uprooting the Black Ops sub-series of Call of Duty from its 60’s setting and placing it further into the far future with every following instalment, Treyarch have finally returned to the cold war with, well, Black Ops: Cold War. Even though it has to navigate the treacherous waters...
  • Windbound

    Okay, so, it’s time for me to finally write down my thoughts on Windbound. I can only apologise for this taking so long to come along. Windbound is a survival game where you control a character who has to: build herself a boat, navigate and survive various islands collecting...
  • The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Review

    This review contains spoilers. The Mandalorian has returned; the show once again confidently striding into the domain of streaming services and putting down its competition in the blink of an eye, just like the eponymous character himself. It’s good to have the show back, and even better, as someone...
  • Why Connor is Assassin’s Creed’s Most Underrated Protagonist

    Assassin’s Creed 3 ’s Connor shouldn’t work as a compelling protagonist. It’s made clear from the start of his journey that Connor, or Ratonhnhaké:ton to give him his full Kanien’kehá:ka name, is just a pawn in a game. Juno, whom he sees as a God in a Piece of...
  • Revisiting the Star Wars: The Clone Wars Movie

    It seems with every Star Wars film released, the fanbase grows increasingly divided. But through the torrent of discord and disjunction there’s been one shining light that’s unified every Star Wars fan for the past decade or so: The Clone Wars. The animated series has become beloved by fans...
  • The Potential of Boba Fett in The Mandalorian

    “I recently encountered a man who wore Mandalorian armour. Jango Fett”. “Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armour is beyond me”. With those controversial words uttered by Prime Minister Almec in The Clone Wars, our perception of Boba Fett was forever changed. Since the...
  • My Hopes for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    After stretching, and occasionally shattering, the remit of what Star Trek could and should be in recent years, the upcoming fifth series of this new era of the franchise is apparently set to return to its episodic and optimistic roots. Strange New Worlds will feature the adventures of Captain...
  • PanzerPaladinIllustration

    Hands-On: Panzer Paladin

    Panzer Paladin is a 14 year old’s wet dream: you get to travel to exotic parts of the globe fighting cryptozoological and mythological creatures in a giant robot suit, consequence-free. You can sell insane weapons to upgrade your mech, GRIT, into an ultimate killing machine, and when you’re not...