Latest in: Opinion

  • Return to Abstergo: My Favourite Assassin’s Creed Moment

    Assassin’s Creed is seemingly endless. Pick an interesting point in history, drop in the duelling philosophies of the Assassins and Templars, create an open world and an engaging protagonist and boom, you’ve got yourself the next entry of a series that could continue until the end of time. As...
  • Exploring Xbox Game Pass for PC

    If you’ve read my articles before you’ll know I usually swing for PlayStation. I’ve been in that ecosystem so long it’s my first stop for most multi-platform game releases. Steam usually follows up as a close second for smaller titles; especially if there’s a sale on. This year though...
  • Prediction Results – PS5 Showcase

    So, the PS5 showcase has been and gone so that means it is time to review the predictions made, which you can find in a previous article here. Keep an eye on the site for some more in-depth analysis in the coming days. I asked each of our crystal...
  • Planets I Want to See in The Mandalorian

    Ahsoka. Sabine. Rex. Boba Fett. Cobb Vanth. All across the Internet I see people speculating on which legacy characters from the Star Wars galaxy could appear in The Mandalorian, but what about locations? This is the question that I’ve been focusing on considering I’ve been obsessed with the worlds...
  • PlayStation 5 Showcase Predictions – 15/09/2020

    *UPDATE!* Mete has added his predictions! You’ll find them at the end! Feel free to send in yours too! Though I can’t promise you’ll all make it into the article haha.   PlayStation have a showcase for the PS5 at 9pm (BST) tonight! (16/09/2020) So, to keep us ticking...
  • Revisiting The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies

    For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been revisiting Peter Jackson’s The Hobbit trilogy for the first time in years and, so far, it’s been a pleasant surprise. I remembered the films as having good moments but ultimately as failures of the Middle Earth franchise. But upon rewatching both...
  • Revisiting The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    For huge billion-dollar movies that serve as prequels to one of the most beloved and successful film trilogies of all time, The Hobbit films feel somewhat forgotten. I myself have left the films collecting dust on my shelf since they were first released, but this past housebound spring I...
  • Revisiting The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

    During this past housebound spring – brought to you by the Coronavirus – I sat for endless hours deciding which films to watch in order to idle away the hours. To pass as much time as possible, my eyes drifted to the longest movies in my collection: my 15-disc...
  • COD just shot itself in the foot

    Call of Duty Cold War Is a JOKE! Hypocritical Marketing Exposed!Watch this video on YouTube...