Latest in: Opinion

  • Watchmen’s Missing Episode: What the Series Left Unexplored

    “Nothing ever ends”. Last year, HBO proved Dr Manhattan right with their risky sequel series to the acclaimed graphic novel Watchmen. Thankfully, it paid off. Watchmen managed to revere the source material while creating something fresh and imaginative unto itself, bringing the comic’s deep exploration of superheroes and politics...
  • Why ‘The Disappeared’ is the Hidden Gem of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    “Wisdom is born in fools as well as wise men”. It was a joy to watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars finally receive the conclusion it deserved with the long-awaited seventh and final season airing on Disney+ earlier this year. But it wasn’t the first time we thought we...
  • Zealous Salvage – Salvage Saturday

    Join Adam in Hardspace: Shipbreaker for another Salvage Saturday video! This time he’s taking on a Grade 5 Gecko, see how he fairs in the video below! Zealous Salvage - Salvage SaturdayWatch this video on YouTube...
  • My Hopes For Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

    After spawning a new era of the franchise, and countless announcements of new series in the works, it’s easy to forget about Star Trek: Discovery. Now that Picard is over and Lower Decks has begun to air, the enjoyable but frustratingly subpar Discovery has powered through Coronavirus production delays...
  • Third Times The Themisto – Salvage Saturday 7

    It’s our third and final shift on the Saucy Themisto this week on Salvage Saturday. We’ve made some good progress in the previous 2 shifts but now we are in the final stretch. Will Adam complete his work order or will it end in dismal failure at the final...
  • 20 Year Dynasty

    Koei Tecmo released a video on Monday (03/08/2020) celebrating the 20 year anniversary of the Dynasty Warriors series. A series of games I love, have played most entries in but was left bitterly disappointed by the latest game – Dynasty Warriors 9 – that was released back in 2018....
  • Forget the Villain, Far Cry 6 Needs a Compelling Protagonist

    While the early instalments can’t be ignored, it was Far Cry 3 which established the franchise as we know it today. The formula has remained largely unchanged ever since, and with the recent announcement of Far Cry 6, I felt the urge to revisit that important earlier sequel which...
  • Still Saucy – Salvage Saturday 6

    We return to the Saucy Themisto for a second shift in this week’s Salvage Saturday. Last week we did well to peel a load of those outer hull layers off, now it is time to see if we can salvage some of the valuable stuff from inside the ship!...
  • Neversong Header Logo 1280 x 720

    Neversong Review (PlayStation 4)

    Neversong is another spooky adventure-platformer from the brilliant mind of Thomas Brush, and if you have played Pinstripe (which I reviewed 2 years ago) you already know what to expect. Neversong has a cute art style that you wouldn’t be surprised to see in a children’s storybook, but here...