Latest in: Podcast

  • Tanked Up 258 – We Are Beer’s Tom Maya and Before Your Eyes

    This week we are joined by Tom Maya from We Are Beer to talk games and share a few beers. Tom chats about the upcoming summer beer festivals We Are Beer organise and what it was like last year for the festival scene. We discuss what brewing festival collaboration...
  • Geek Out Weakly 18 – Nick Box: Indie Filmmaker, game developer, and more

    Aadil sits down with indie horror filmmaker turned game developer Nick Box. We chat about making independent films in the 2010s, the rise of indiscriminate platforms like amazon and turning to games development to put his art out in new ways and to new audiences. We also touch on...
  • Tanked Up 257 – Little Town’s Full of Belgian Beer

    On this weeks show, Aadil kicks us off with chat on Manifold Garden and the newly release Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. Lucy hits some of her favourite adjuncts with Eternal Hope and Ben is having a very pleasant time with Dorfromantik. In another week full of...
  • Geek Out Weakly 17 – Falcon and the Winter Soldier

    Aadil and Ben chat about the first two episodes of Falcon and the Winter Soldier. What we like, dislike, and the worries we have with respect to the heavy issues they bring up and the loose writing seen already. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the CC...
  • Tanked Up 256 – A Sizeable Jelly Bean in his Minish Cap

    Welcome back to Tanked Up, our weekly beer and gaming show. This week we’ve all played Sizeable from Sander Ambroos and Business Goose Studios which nicely rounds out a few weeks of different types of hidden object games. Ben has returned to Fall Guys for season 4 and Lucy’s...
  • Geek Out Weakly 16 – Zack Snyder’s Justice League

    Join Aadil and Ben in a conversation about the 4-hour epic that is Zack Synder’s Justice League. Vague recollections of the previous cut are in the mix, along with our likes… and dislikes of the latest (and last?) reentry to the DCEU. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used...
  • Geek Out Weakly 15 – The Phantom Tollbooth

    With the passing of Norton Juster, Aadil nostalgia watched the Chuck Jones animated feature “The Phantom Tollbooth”. Some waxing poetic about its impact on his childhood, as well as a discussion of the film vs. the bookl; all in an attempt to convince Ben to watch/read one of his...
  • Tanked Up 255 – Out of Sight and Comfort from Gaming

    It is another week full of beers and plenty of gaming chat. We have all played Out of Sight, a new hidden object game from NinjaDuck Games and Ben asks a question of comfort following his brief stint with Final Fantasy XIV alongside Aadil. For the beers, Lucy drinks...
  • Tanked Up 254 – Dracula Vs Juicy Lucy in the Bleak

    In this episode, Lucy gets right into the game she has played. She’s finished The Curse of Monkey Island and SiNKR2. We have a slight podcast listening aside before Lucy’s thoughts on Journey of the Broken Circle, Alba and some Super Mario Galaxy chat. Aadil spent his streaming session...