Latest in: Podcast

  • Geek Out Weakly 14 – WandaVision WrapVp (pt. 3)

    Aadil and Ben are joined by Dave Wyatt for a chat around eps 6 through 9 and the series as a whole. We speak of favourite moments, the wonder that is Kathryn Hahn, characters done dirty and more. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the CC ShareAlike...
  • Tanked Up 253 – Outriders in Tight Spaces

    On the show this week Ben moans about the steps he had to take with his Square Enix account and accessing the Outriders Demo. Aadil and Ben have played said demo and give their thoughts. Lucy has finished Mutropolis, returned to Curse of Monkey Island and played Room to...
  • Geek Out Weakly 13 – Narratives w/ Dave Towsey

    Aadil and Ben are joined by Dave Towsey, an author, creative writing instructor and game developer. We talk about narratives, how to approach creating them as well as the differences between mediums and within games writing. As usual tangents abound. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the...
  • Geek Out Weakly 12 – Willy’s Wonderland

    Ben and Aadil chat about the brand new Nicholas Cage vehicle (its a camaro), “Willy’s Wonderland”. Five nights at freddy’s, Chuck-e-cheese, and covid beard maintenance also make appearances. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the CC ShareAlike license (
  • Tanked Up 252 – Shattered from Ring Fit and Minit Racing

    The gyms aren’t open but Lucy’s been keeping up her exercise and playing loads of games. She’s played more Ring Fit, some Mario game on the Wii-U, and has completed the new Minit Fun Racing, which Ben also finished, and to round out has started Voyage. Aadil wants to...
  • Tanked Up 251 – The last Thomas was alone in Mutropolis

    We’ve all been mopping up a few games but we did find time between episodes to return to Thomas Was Alone with Aadil playing the new Switch release (Available now). Ben also delves into his choice of actors to round out the cast of The Last of Us for...
  • Tanked Up 250 – Just Another Episode

    We made it, 250 episodes, 6 years to the month when we began. Because its a super special number we decided to do something special. We talk more and crack an extra beer. Super special. We talk Hitman 3, Control and its Foundation and AWE DLC, and Neoverse with...
  • Geek Out Weakly 11 – WandaVision (pt. 2)

    Join Aadil and Ben talking about episodes three, four, and five of WandaVision. Did our predictions ring true from our first recording? Are we more or less invested in the series now? What do we hope will happen in the back third of the series? Check Out Our Website:...
  • Geek Out Weakly 10 – Psycho Goreman

    This week Ben and Aadil chat about the brand new 80s practical effects surreal gorefest with homages to other B-movie tropes. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the CC ShareAlike license (