Latest in: Podcast

  • Tanked Up 249 – A Medium Journey to Tohu

    This week Ben previews A Long Journey to an Uncertain End, we all chat about the Gearbox purchase, Lucy is playing Hitman 2 within Hitman 3 and has finished Tohu, and Aadil tells of his frustrations with The Medium. We are all back on the beers. Lucy opens with...
  • Out of Rupee’s Yearly Episode – January 2021

    After a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, hibernation. Francis has exited from his cryogenic slumber and gathered together with Lucy & Andy to catch up; on what they’ve been up to and what Nintendo has been too. It’s good to have them back. Don’t...
  • Geek Out Weakly 9 – 2021 and the Future of Cinema

    Ben and Aadil chat about the second round of film delays due to the pandemic, and the move of some studios to forego theatres entirely. We discuss how we think that will affect the already tentpole based industry and where it might go from here. The episode rounds out...
  • Geek Out Weakly 8 – WandaVision

    This week Ben and Aadil chat about the first two episodes of the genre-bending new Marvel series WandaVision. We talk about our history with black and white American sitcoms, our thoughts on the series and hopes/theories on what is to come. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under...
  • Tanked Up 247 – Raiding Tiny Lands

    On the show this week Aadil, Lucy and Ben have all played Tiny Lands from Hyper Three Studio and have a detailed discussion. Before this the show kicks off with Aadil’s thoughts on Hexia. Then after Ben has been playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider and Lucy finished Crash...
  • Tanked Up 246 – Eternal Sunlight in Mr Goldblum’s Mind

    On the show this week Lucy has a few indie games to chat having played Sunlight and started Shot in the Dark. Ben hits the backlog finishing Days Gone and playing a little Jurassic World Evolution and Doom Eternal. Aadil finishes out the show with an update on Cyberpunk...
  • Geek Out Weakly 7 – Wonder Woman 1984

    Ben and Aadil talk all about Wonder Woman 1984, from the endearing down to the baffling. While we had some issues with the film, we took some time to talk about what we liked, and hoped for more of in the DCEU. Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used...
  • Geek Out Weakly 6 – The Mandalorian Season 2 (pt. 2)

    Join Ben and Aadil and special guest Dave Wyatt this week as they discuss the second half of The Mandalorian Season 2, as well as backdoor pilot a handful of new podcasts… Our theme song is by captiveportalmusic, used under the CC ShareAlike license (
  • Tanked Up 245 – It all comes back to Hades

    This week we talk about Hades, a lot. As all three of us have played and have differing opinions we discuss it and then keep referring back to it. The episode starts with a little chat on dry January and what we’re all doing. For games, we also talk...