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  • Tanked Up 244 – Our Top Three Games of 2020

    In the second part of this weeks show we each run down and discuss our top three favourite games of 2020. Will there be surprises? Will we all firmly stay in our boxes and make the obvious choices? Will we be absolutely drunk and all lovey at the end?...
  • Tanked Up 243 – Our End of Year Spectacular

    It’s a two-parter this week as we run down some of our favourite games from the dumpster fire that has been 2020. Though for games it’s been pretty good. In this first episode, we made up some random categories to discuss the games we wanted to. This isn’t our...
  • Tanked Up 242 – Don’t Trifle with Us!

    There are games and beers a plenty this week in our penultimate show of the year. Firstly, Lucy cracks open You Sexy Thing from Burning Soul, Ben has never tried Smash & Grab from Vocation and Aadil is local again with Moor Beer Company and Old Freddy Walker. Lucy...
  • Geek Out Weakly 5 – The New Mutants

    Join Ben and Aadil this week as they discuss and dissect Fox’s final X-Men movie The New Mutants. They get into the history of the production, the story, the cast and where they think the budget was spent. They also have ideas of what may have made for a...
  • Tanked Up 241 – Open World Wants & Point and Click Adventures

    This week Ben and Aadil tackle to question of what open-world games can do next to move the genre forward. This topic leads to Aadils initial thoughts on Marvels Spider-Man and Bens counter with what Miles Morales improves upon. Aadil has also been adventuring with a return to Gibbous:...
  • Tanked Up 240 – Super Hop! Super Hop!

    This week the title in no way matches what we talk about, just a casual interjection from Aadil is the inspiration. We do however talk about The Last Guardian, Days Gone, The Solitaire Conspiracy, Into the Breach, SiNKR 2, Going Under and Gunnhildr. We also discuss an email a...
  • Geek Out Weakly 4 – The Mandalorian Season 2 (pt. 1)

    This week Ben and Aadil return to the gritty Star Wars world of The Mandalorian. We discuss the first half, four episodes, of season 2. Brief rundowns, favourite scenes and our hopes and dreams for the back half of this gripping show. Geek Out Weakly is live on twitch...
  • Tanked Up 239 – Miles and miles of Dune Sea

    It is just Aadil and Ben this week discussing what they have been playing over a few beers. There is more talk of Spider-Man Miles Morales, Hades and a quick trip to Myst. The Last Guardian and the PS Plus Collection are also discussed and Aadil gives us his...
  • Geek Out Weakly 3 – Ben and Aadil Face the Music

    This weak Ben and Aadil wax nostalgic about the first two movies (and the cartoon!) before getting into their feelings about the latest entry in the series, 2020s Bill and Ted Face the Music. Theme song by captiveportalmusic, under the CC ShareAlike license (