Latest in: Podcast

  • Tanked Up 231 – Tell Me Why Spider-Mans face is Groovy

    We delve into some more games this week including a couple of newer releases. Lucy gives her take on When The Past Was Around, has run through Donkey Kong Country 2 and played Across The Grooves. She also chats a little Super Mario Bros. 35. Somehow we get onto...
  • Tanked Up 230 – Rip Off Camelot

    This week we dive into discussions on three games, first Rip Them Off from Lozange Lab which we’ve all played. Lucy gives her thoughts on Inkle’s new game Pendragon and we finish with Aadil’s thoughts on When the Past was Around from Mojiken which he streamed earlier in the...
  • Tanked Up 229 – M&M S&M in an M&S

    This week we discuss a lot of games. Lucy gives us her thoughts on Lair of the Clockwork God, Silent Hill, The Coma 2, Tony Hawks Pro Skater and A Monsters Expedition. Ben has his investigative hat on and deep dives into Paradise Killer. The beers this week are,...
  • Tanked Up 228 – Spiritfarer and Tiny Xbox Consoles

    We get together this week to discuss the new Xbox consoles, this was before the Series X price was announced, briefly touch on Paradise Killer and delve into our thoughts on Spiritfarer. A few technical difficulties in Birmingham kick Lucy off the pod before she gets to discuss Tony...
  • Tanked Up 227 – Fall Guys and the Marmalade Climb

    Its a Ben-free episode! Aadil and Lucy are joined by guest Adam Thomas, supping a cool Dr. Pepper. We talk about “Fall Guys”, their social engagement and charity competition. Adam talks the intricacies of “Rocket League” and its upcoming changes. We also talk about “The Last Campfire”, “If Found…”,...
  • Tanked Up 226 – Next Stop Fabuland

    Lucy has some games to discuss whilst Ben poses a question this week. As always we start with beers. Lucy drinks Mothership Beers Seeds of Hope, Aadil cracks Quantic from Wild Beer Co and Ben has Oh My Citra! from Tanker Brewery. Lucy has played Jessika, Next Stop Nowhere...
  • Tanked Up 225 – Making It Home, To Bone Town

    This week Sean and Dave from Pillbug Interactive are back. They are here to discuss the release of Making It Home which Ben and Aadil have put some time in. After a dive into the game and its writing we talking more games. Sean has been thinking about The...
  • Tanked Up 224 – The Fall (Guys) of Lazarus

    It’s just Ben and Aadil this week in a classic WillSmithisode. Aadil dips into the Beer52 box and drinks Panty Stout from Oedipus and the Daybreak coffee porter from Brouwerij Frontaal. Ben has a couple of Goose IPAs from Goose Island. This elicits a conversation about casual drinking before...
  • Tanked Up 223 – From Lucy’s Archive

    We start this week by cracking a few beers with Aadil drinking Trackdown from Uiltje Brewing Company and Ben starting with Ninja Vs Unicorn from Pipeworks Brewing Company. Lucy shakes off the shackles of a backlog and instead delves into the archive to play Halo. She’s also been playing...