Latest in: Podcast

  • Fisting a Legacy (Tanked Up 373)

    Oh! Hi there! It’s been a while. We recorded this episode way back towards the start of July before the summer kicked into full gear and became super crazy. Enjoy a historic look back at F.I.S.T and Rogue Legacy 2. Old beers were drunk including Honey Isle from Crossover...
  • Dordogne review, Microsoft Vs the FTC, & Steam Next Fest (Tanked Up 372)

    The team return, beers in hand, to run down a week in gaming. Lucy scrounges through the Game Pass dirt, just for achievements and played My Friend Peppa Pig. Ben brings Dordogne, which Lucy has also played, and they have a much nicer conversation about that. The team briefly...
  • Bristol Craft Beer Festival and Not E3 (Tanked Up 371)

    The team returns after a busy and boozy few weeks to discuss two things. The Bristol Craft Beer Festival and Not E3 2023. They chat apps, best beers, the weather, notable game reveals and themed control pads. To drink Ben has the ‘Rocket Lolly’ from Northern Monk and Aadil...
  • Planet of Lana and After Us (Tanked Up 370)

    This week the whole team is here! Whoo! It’s a week of new releases too. Lucy gives her review of both Planet of Lana, and The Shape of Things. And Ben gives his thoughts on the initial few hours of After Us. Aadil decides he really should start The...
  • Tears of the Darkest Cryptmaster (Tanked Up 369)

    Lucy and Ben return to share some beers and chat about games, but of course, they start on a tangent and discuss The Simpsons and onion rings. Both have new games to talk about! Lucy shares her initial thoughts on The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and...
  • The Case of Sentimentality (Tanked Up 368)

    Lucy’s been playing The Spider of Lanka DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol, which has some excellent screenshots. Ben has been playing Demos but instead talks about Life is Strange: True Colours. This brings on a discussion of shedding nostalgia and embracing sentimentality with a chat about...
  • Jetting through Doubt (Tanked Up 367)

    Ben and Lucy bring one game and one beer each this week to drink and discuss. Ben chats the first hour or so of Jett: The Far Shore, whilst Lucy has spent a little more time with the recent early access release of Shadows of Doubt. For their beer...
  • Microsoft will Street Fight Everyone (Tanked Up 366)

    Aadil joins Ben for a beer and to chat about hot news and big game demos. Ben leads with thoughts on the incredibly polished Viewfinder demo and rolls into discussing a campaign and a baby mode for Street Fighter 6. Aadil brings the news of Microsoft’s failed ActiBlizzKing acquisition....
  • Hooked on Handheld Coffee (Tanked Up 365)

    Ben and Lucy tread familiar ground this week with talks of sequels and hardware revisions. Lucy gives her thoughts on both Hook 2 and Coffee Talk EP 2: Hibiscus & Butterfly. With no games to speak of Ben brings up to rumoured Q-Lite, the possible new PlayStation handheld, Wii-U...