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  • Amazon’s New World

    “I landed on an island and it’s a New World. Familiar, sure, but different too. I got a thousand problems but corruption ain’t one. I have no idea who anyone is but I’m having fun. Mining ore and being mauled by bears. My musket shots echo loud like the...
  • What’s Next For James Bond After No Time To Die?

    No Time to Die does what no James Bond film has dared do before it. After almost three hours of lovingly playing into the outlandish tropes that defined the series’ past, the film ends posing an almighty question regarding its future. James Bond is dead. Not in a fake-out...
  • Does No Time To Die Successfully Balance the Serious With the Ludicrous?

    Seeing No Time to Die after such a long wait, the gargantuan Bond movie can be an overwhelming, and even emotional, experience. But take a step back from the film and its bold choices and you’ll see that it’s a silly movie, from cheesy lines to preposterous storylines. It’s...
  • The Siege of Paris is a Bittersweet Assassin’s Creed Nostalgia Trip

    Assassin’s Creed is a franchise that has greatly evolved over its 14-year life span. Elements once vital have come and gone and even the genre itself has shifted. The earlier games are a crucial part of my personal history as a gamer and hold such powerful, nostalgic memories, and...
  • The Power of Life is Strange: True Colors’ SMS & Social Media Storytelling

    Life is Strange is a feeling. Several games in, it’s easy to disassemble the formula of YA angst, romance, and superpowers the series uses, but doing so does a disservice to the finished product. When everything clicks into place, like it does with the most recent game in the...
  • Samurai Warriors 5 Review

    Koei Tecmo’s Samurai Warriors 5 is a hack ‘n’ slash experience that is easy to fall in love with. The latest game in the Musou series features beautiful art and character design. The action speaks for itself when you see it in full flow. However, there are a few...
  • Nightsisters: The Clone Wars Episode That Changed Star Wars Forever

    For its first few seasons, Star Wars: The Clone Wars is haphazard and scattershot in almost every way. While rarely unenjoyable, the series is a jumble of tone, chronology, characters, and just overall quality. It’s midway through the third season when this changes and the show transcends from being...
  • 3 Star Wars Characters Who Should, Somehow, Return (And 1 Who Shouldn’t)

    “Somehow, Palpatine returned”. That infamous, memefied line from The Rise of Skywalker has come to symbolise the increasingly thin veil between life and death in Star Wars. The explanation given for the Emperor’s resurrection is brief and unspecific, at least in the confines of the film, but it doesn’t...
  • An Ode To Bonking

    If you smack them upside the head, with a weapon or some sticks instead,  That’s a bonking.   If you smash them between the eyes, With some furniture laying nearby, That’s a bonking.   If you swing your heavy weight, Round and round ’til they faint, That’s a bonking....