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  • Foreclosed 1280x720

    Foreclosed Review (PlayStation 4)

    FORECLOSED REVIEW (PLAYSTATION 4)   Foreclosed takes place in a dystopian Cyberpunk America where identities are owned by corporations. It’s May 3rd 2084, and Evan Kapnos wakes to find out his employer Securtech has gone bust. This means his identity is up for auction. To prevent him from leaving...
  • Fargo Season 4 is Flawed, But it’s Still Fargo

    Fargo season four has some problems. The comedy-drama tries its hand at being a crime epic but bites off more than it can chew. The show works when it zeroes in on specific characters and focuses its vision but too often the sheer sprawl of the narrative forces the...
  • Studio Ghibli Review (Part 7)

    This is part 7 of a series of reviews, looking at Studio Ghibli‘s films. You can find Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6, which look at Hayao Miyazaki’s, Yoshifumi Kondō’s & Gorō Miyazaki’s directed films, by clicking on the hyperlinks.   This is a difficult review to...
  • East/West is Fargo’s Masterpiece

    Fargo’s fourth season is a bit of a mess. It’s always enjoyable but often unfocused, bouncing between storylines and ideas that have the potential to be fascinating but never quite gain momentum. The extended 11-episode season had some episodes in the middle of the season edited and reshuffled into...
  • After Playing Iki Island

    Having liberated Iki island from the talons of the Eagle Tribe, I can’t help but think about what comes next. Of course, I have already made some suggestions for what could come next; You can find those here. The pertinent question, now that I’ve finished the Iki island expansion,...
  • Am I Stupid for Buying DLC I’ll Never Play?

    As of ten minutes ago, the platinum trophy for A Plague Tale: Innocence is sat on my imaginary, digital trophy cabinet and bringing me a sense of accomplishment that I’m sure will soon dissolve as I begin to question my life choices once again. It’s an enjoyable game, certainly...
  • After Iki

    Jin Sakai the ‘Ghost of Tsushima‘ is making his way to the neighbouring Iki island. He will face the Mongol invaders there just as he did on his home island. It’s unlikely that the series will end there even if Jin’s story does. It’s a franchise kind of world,...
  • Super Bomberman R Online Review

    *This is a guest article written by Cosmic Saboteur. If you enjoy it let us know in all the usual places and we’ll make sure we get him back again soon!* Super Bomberman R Online is the latest release in the Bomberman series. The original game, which was released...
  • What Does the Empire Want With Nala Se in Star Wars: The Bad Batch?

    The first season of Star Wars: The Bad Batch ends not with the Batch themselves but with Kaminoan cloner Nala Se, now a captive of the Empire, landing on an unknown planet and given an intriguing welcome. Greeted by an imperial scientist wearing familiar clothing, we learn that the...