- Fleming uses the short story format to not only reveal new facets of Bond's humanity but also explore different genres, from Hitchcockian thriller to soap opera...
- A more human Bond and a brilliantly-written round of gold can't stop Fleming's Goldfinger from being a disappointment and a pale comparison to its film adaptation ...
- Willow has all the ingredients that should make me love it and yet, I don't feel the magic. Why?...
- With Dr No Fleming poses fascinating questions relating to Bond's character and philosophy before ignoring them in a fun but shallow and silly second half ...
- Ian Fleming's James Bond series draws to an early conclusion with the shockingly modern feeling and well-written From Russia With Love...
- A fast pace can't disguise a vapid plot and weak villains, even if Diamonds Are Forever is almost saved by its final third and capable Bond girl...
- James Bond returns for a third adventure, this time with a unique structure and location, rich in character and theme, and is easily Fleming's best work yet...
- How Twin Peaks and Oppenheimer handle the spectacle, themes, and cosmic horror of nuclear detonation...
- While a lesser and sillier read than Casino Royale, Fleming's second Bond novel births the formula and tone that will come to dominate the series...