Latest in: TV And Movies

  • Watchmen’s Missing Episode: What the Series Left Unexplored

    “Nothing ever ends”. Last year, HBO proved Dr Manhattan right with their risky sequel series to the acclaimed graphic novel Watchmen. Thankfully, it paid off. Watchmen managed to revere the source material while creating something fresh and imaginative unto itself, bringing the comic’s deep exploration of superheroes and politics...
  • Why ‘The Disappeared’ is the Hidden Gem of Star Wars: The Clone Wars

    “Wisdom is born in fools as well as wise men”. It was a joy to watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars finally receive the conclusion it deserved with the long-awaited seventh and final season airing on Disney+ earlier this year. But it wasn’t the first time we thought we...
  • My Hopes For Star Trek: Discovery Season 3

    After spawning a new era of the franchise, and countless announcements of new series in the works, it’s easy to forget about Star Trek: Discovery. Now that Picard is over and Lower Decks has begun to air, the enjoyable but frustratingly subpar Discovery has powered through Coronavirus production delays...
  • The Potential of Star Wars: The Bad Batch

    After the brilliant conclusion of The Clone Wars a couple of months ago, we all knew that an announcement for the next animated Star Wars show was incoming, but what it ended up being was a complete surprise. Rumours surrounding a Star Wars: Rebels sequel series have been percolating...
  • ID: Invaded

    You awake on a bed in an unusual room. As soon as you gain consciousness you realise something is wrong. You start to fall apart. Your limbs split into a dozen pieces, your whole body splinters and you can’t even remember your own name. It’s not a dream, but...
  • My Hopes for Ozark’s Fourth and Final Season

    After a lengthy wait, Ozark returned to our screens for a third season of money laundering, startling violence and intense family drama earlier this year. It may have been the show’s best season yet, further cementing its own identity in the crowded streaming landscape, and after the disappointing news...
  • How Will Better Call Saul End?

    Better Call Saul ended its penultimate season with the best run of episodes in the show’s history. While the prequel/spin-off to Breaking Bad was good from the outset, each progressive season has improved on the last, and its fifth was some of the best television in years. The series...
  • Studio Ghibli Review (Part 6)

    Tales From Earthsea & From Up On Poppy Hill   This is part 6 of a series of reviews, looking at Studio Ghibli’s films, you can find Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 which look at Hayao Miyazaki’s and Yoshifumi Kondō’s directed films, by clicking on the hyperlinks....
  • Why ‘Chapter 2: The Child’ is The Mandalorian’s Best Episode

    In the lead-up to The Mandalorian airing, we were expecting a very different show than the one we received. Star Wars’ first foray into live-action television was presumed to be a wholly serialised affair, but the structure of the season turned out to be anything but. The first three...