Latest in: TV

  • The Mandalorian Season 2 Finale Review

    The Mandalorian season 2 has now concluded and what a journey it was. While not perfect, the show expanded in scope and connected to disparate parts of the canon, all while maintaining a strong and emotional core with the relationship between the eponymous hero and his little green friend....
  • Questions and Hopes for the Future of Star Wars

    Last week on Disney’s Investor Day, the future of Star Wars, along with Marvel and many other Disney projects, was solidified. In short, there’s a hell of a lot of it coming. We may be three years out from the next big screen Star Wars experience, but there’s an...
  • Geek Out Weakly 4 – The Mandalorian Season 2 (pt. 1)

    This week Ben and Aadil return to the gritty Star Wars world of The Mandalorian. We discuss the first half, four episodes, of season 2. Brief rundowns, favourite scenes and our hopes and dreams for the back half of this gripping show. Geek Out Weakly is live on twitch...
  • Geek Out Weakly 1 – The Mandalorian Season 1

    Hey! It’s our new show, here, on the internet. Each week we’re going to get together and geek out weakly about a topic. There’ll be guests, interviews and a variety of different discussions covered from video games, movies and TV shows. This week Ben and Aadil delve into Star...
  • The Mandalorian Season 2 Premiere Review

    This review contains spoilers. The Mandalorian has returned; the show once again confidently striding into the domain of streaming services and putting down its competition in the blink of an eye, just like the eponymous character himself. It’s good to have the show back, and even better, as someone...
  • The Potential of Boba Fett in The Mandalorian

    “I recently encountered a man who wore Mandalorian armour. Jango Fett”. “Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armour is beyond me”. With those controversial words uttered by Prime Minister Almec in The Clone Wars, our perception of Boba Fett was forever changed. Since the...
  • My Hopes for Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

    After stretching, and occasionally shattering, the remit of what Star Trek could and should be in recent years, the upcoming fifth series of this new era of the franchise is apparently set to return to its episodic and optimistic roots. Strange New Worlds will feature the adventures of Captain...
  • Planets I Want to See in The Mandalorian

    Ahsoka. Sabine. Rex. Boba Fett. Cobb Vanth. All across the Internet I see people speculating on which legacy characters from the Star Wars galaxy could appear in The Mandalorian, but what about locations? This is the question that I’ve been focusing on considering I’ve been obsessed with the worlds...
  • Watchmen’s Missing Episode: What the Series Left Unexplored

    “Nothing ever ends”. Last year, HBO proved Dr Manhattan right with their risky sequel series to the acclaimed graphic novel Watchmen. Thankfully, it paid off. Watchmen managed to revere the source material while creating something fresh and imaginative unto itself, bringing the comic’s deep exploration of superheroes and politics...