Latest in: TV

  • Hopes, Predictions and Questions for Picard’s Return to Star Trek

    Captain Jean-Luc Picard’s epic adventure across the galaxy came to an end 16 years ago with the release of Star Trek: Nemesis, one of my least favourite Star Trek films. Based on its own merits the film’s not actually all that bad (okay, it is pretty rubbish) but it’s regarded as...
  • Predicting What Will Happen in The Clone Wars Revival

    Among the bevy of news and trailers released at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, the announcement that Star Wars: The Clone Wars is back from the dead may have been the biggest, and definitely the most surprising. Years after the show was cancelled, with the Lucasfilm animation team seemingly...
  • My Hopes for Westworld Season 3

    Now that Westworld’s second season has aired and we’ve all had time to at least try to get our heads around the non-linear storytelling, unexpected twists and mind-boggling revelations, it’s time to be inpatient and look ahead to the future of sci-fi western series. With a third season already...
  • My Hopes for the Second Half of Arrested Development Season 5

    “Moral of the story is I chose a half measure when I should have gone all the way. No more half measures”. It might seem strange but that Mike Ehrmantraut quote from Breaking Bad was at the forefront of my mind while watching the beginning of the fifth season...
  • What Westworld Got Right and Wrong in Season 2

    Spoilers below for Westworld season 2. The second season of the HBO sci-fi drama series Westworld debuted under a huge amount of anticipation and pressure. Not only was the first season critically acclaimed but over the 16 months the show had been off the air, rampant mega-fans had been...
  • Why Trish is the true star of Jessica Jones Season 2

    Spoilers for Jessica Jones Season 2. Obviously. The second season of Jessica Jones was thankfully a very different experience than the first season. I love the first season, with it probably being my favourite of all the Marvel Netflix shows, but a new direction was needed to not taint...
  • Should Black Mirror be a Shared Universe?

    Black Mirror is one of the smartest shows on TV but it could be making a dumb decision. Throughout the show’s run there have been little easter eggs and references hinting at connections to episodes past, whether it be a certain song that pops up once a season or...
  • Speculating What The Other Parks In WestWorld Could Be

    This article is pure speculation! I don’t have knowledge on what the themes of the other parks in the HBO series WestWorld are but I thought it’d be fun to look at what limited evidence we have and take some guesses before the second season of the acclaimed show...
  • More Hopes for WestWorld Season 2

    After over 16 months away, WestWorld finally returns next week for its sophomore season. The long wait has only fuelled speculation for what the upcoming season of western bloodshed and sci-fi exploration will reveal and I’ve condensed my feelings on what I think is to come into several hopes...