Latest in: TV

  • Out Of Lives – Episode 79 – The Super Late One

    This week’s podcast comes to you almost a full week late… Sorry about that. Adam is joined by two other A’s this week, Alfred & Allan with a bunch of stuff to chat about: More controversy in the games industry? Some Nintendo rumours? Boardchurch finally discussed? It’s all happening...
  • Forgotten Characters of the Marvel Cinematic Universe

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe is something that we’ve all started to take for granted. We get several great films a year and hours upon hours of fun and interesting content on TV with an inter-connectedness that seemingly never gets old and actually aids storytelling. There have been a few...
  • Guilty Pleasure – Mozart In The Jungle

    The worst thing about this show is the title. Evoking some strange images of an adolescent Mozart stalking the undergrowth, searching for some sort of never-seen-before wild animal, the title of this Amazon exclusive comedy series just doesn’t do it justice. Based on the book “Mozart in the Jungle:...
  • Out Of Lives – Episode 78 – The Adam & Alfred Extravaganza

    In this weeks Out Of Lives Podcast, Adam has a breakdown over Doctor Who and the idea of having enormous amounts of money while Alfred seemingly takes over as host of the Podcast. The premier of the new series of Doctor Who and those Star Wars trailers, big business...
  • 5 Things That Should Happen In House Of Cards Season 5

    Spoilers inbound for House of Cards seasons 1-4. Airing later in the year than usual, Netflix’s political thriller House of Cards will return for a fifth season next month and speculation is everywhere for what the season holds for President Frank Underwood, First Lady Claire Underwood and their multitude...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 76 – “Des2ny” & “2otle War”

    Your regular host Adam is joined once again by Alfred “Can you believe he admitted to being wrong on the internet” Rome and the long absent, but sorely missed Mete “Department Empire Builder” Redif. This week sees the trio chatting about Destiny 2, Total War: Warhammer 2, Mass Effect:...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 75 – 24% Action/Adventure

    This week’s Out of Lives Podcast contains a bumper crop of voices! Your host, Adam, is joined by Alfred, Dave & special Guest Jonn… or Bob, we’re never quite sure. TIGA published a report on the state of the UK Game Development Industry, the stupidity of the internet crops...
  • My Hopes for the Third and Final Season of The Leftovers

    Spoilers aplenty for the first two seasons of The Leftovers. If you haven’t watched the show, then don’t read on. If that’s the case, then what the hell is wrong with you? Go watch it already, it’s amazing! Acclaimed drama is on TV every single day across multiple networks...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 74 – Broad Robot Venom Fist

    It is a fun episode this week as your regular host, Adam, is joined by “Chief Interviewer” Alex & “Revealed a bit too much of himself” Allan. 2 Guests making their debuts on the same podcast, what a treat for them and for you dear listeners! The good news...