Latest in: TV

  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 73 – A-Team Assemble

    This weeks episode is an absolute belter! Alfred forgets how conversations work, Adam refuses to restart the podcast & Aadil wants a lot of things cut… particularly when he says something stupid. Other topics covered are Game Of Thrones Season 7/8 news, catching up with Microsoft, Rocket League sales...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Teaser for Episode 73

    This here is a little teaser for this weeks Out of Lives Podcast, landing on a podcast app near you at 12pm on Thursday. Out of Lives Podcast Episode 73 TeaserWatch this video on YouTube...
  • What We Thought of The Walker Stalker Con

    Walker Stalker Con is, as the name suggests, a convention for all things The Walking Dead, a fantastic event for fans of the franchise, across all forms of its media from the comics where it began to the hit TV show and even the computer games. The Olympia’s main...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 71 – AAA Minus A = AA

    Adam and Alfred team up this week, to deliver an excellent podcast to your ears! The topics discussed are many but here is a quick run down. Legion, IMDB Closing down its Message Boards due to Trolls and we take a look at all the awesome stuff happening in...
  • Why season 5 could be Orange is the New Black’s best yet

    The following article contains spoilers for season 4 of Orange is the new black. You have been warned. I’ve been a big fan of Netflix’s Orange is the new black for a long time now having watched the first season shortly after it premiered and being one of those...
  • The Lego Batman Movie Review

    The Lego Movie charmed audiences back in 2014 with its mix of humor, heartwarming story and expert use of licensing from the companies decades-long history. It was choc-a-bloc full of blink and you miss it cameos, but front and center was Will Arnett’s Batman. His bad boy attitude, was...
  • Why you should watch Braindead

    Originally posted by Matthew Stanton Let’s get this out of the way first, Braindead is weird. One part political thriller, one part science fiction and one part quirky satirical comedy. It’s one of those shows that I discovered entirely by accident yet ended up being one of my favorite...
  • Out of Lives Podcast Episode 67 – Pitchforks At The Ready!

    The Out of Lives Podcast returns in style this week; featuring Adam, Dave & Mete. The topics up for discussion include: Why Mete is actually a Danish female, why Adam is likely to be lynched by DC Comic fanatics and why you shouldn’t let Dave have access to your...
  • Why Sharp Objects could be the next big TV hit

    As the television renaissance continues, several novels which would have one day been snatched up by film companies for adaptation are instead becoming TV miniseries or some even expanded to become a full-blown series. The decline in production of mid-budget films and talent flocking to the silver screen has...