Latest in: TV

  • The Un-Wizarding of the Magicians

    Hear me moan, Syfy’s new TV show The Magicians has all the right ingredients. Based on Lev Grossman’s book of the same name the TV show follows Quentin Coldwater, a depressed loner who is good at magic tricks and obsessed with the Filbury and Further fantasy books. It turns...
  • My Dream Writing Team For The New Star Trek TV Series

    2016 marks the 50th anniversary of one of science fiction’s biggest franchises: Star Trek. To celebrate the anniversary the third film in the new timeline, Star Trek Beyond, will be released and looks just as much as an action film as Into Darkness was. Paramount wants to aim the...
  • Murder For The Masses

    For as long as video games have been around, there have been protestations and concerns raised about the influential nature this interactive entertainment will have on generations of gamers with its glorification of violence. So why in 2016 are programmes like Serial Season 1 and Making a Murderer held...
  • Why a Walking Dead Anthology Show Would be Awesome

    Just this past week, in a chat with Vulture, AMC network exec Charlie Collier stated that, in reference to whether we will see anymore shows in The Walking Dead universe, that they are “open to ideas that feel organic to the creators”. Some foolish people have run this story...
  • Sherlock Homes and the Abominable Plot Device

    Sherlock (the BBC crime drama and not those terrible Guy Richie films) is one of those shows I neglected for a long time in the most hipster of ways; everyone at university was watching it and falling head over heels for Benedict Cumberbatch and I didn’t want to be...
  • Movie Rant 101 – Is ANYBODY Having ANY Fun Anymore?

    Originally posted by Sofia Hariz There’s a big issue in movie reviewing these days that’s irritating me. Not a week goes by where I don’t find myself reading a movie review I disagree with, not necessarily because of my personal opinion of the movie, but because some reviewers seem...
  • Why a Stephen King Shared Cinematic/TV Universe Would Be Awesome

    Since the 1970’s Stephen King has been, as his name suggests, the king of horror literature. Unlike Edgar Allen Poe or H.P Lovecraft before him, King has managed to bring his brand of horror, sci-fi and fantasy to mainstream audiences and his creations like Pennywise the clown have become...
  • How The Leftovers Became A Masterpiece

    The following article contains spoilers for the first two seasons of The Leftovers including the the season 2 finale. Read with caution. Not since Mad Men in 2007 had a show walked onto the scene with as much confidence as The Leftovers when it debuted last year. It’s plot...
  • Sink Your Time Into Black Sails

    For a show that I absolutely adore I have trouble convincing anyone to watch it. No matter how much I praise Black Sails it has never been enough to convert those who have fallen prey to my waffling. I once described it as ‘Game of Thrones with pirates’ but...