5 – Late and Nonsensical

It’s the fifth episode! And nothing happens! Adam & Alfred try to talk about the Infinity War trailer, but Alfred gets distracted by theorising how this third Avengers film...

It’s the fifth episode! And nothing happens! Adam & Alfred try to talk about the Infinity War trailer, but Alfred gets distracted by theorising how this third Avengers film might setup Sony’s Venom film. Then the boys try to discuss The Punisher series but Alfred derails things once more by talking about… We don’t know what.

BUT it is a bit funny from time to time.

It’s all happening on the Rattle On Podcast!

Twitter: @RattleOnPod
Email: rattleonpod@gmail.com

Out Of Lives' resident Whovian, and all round lover of games, guitars and cats. Alfred has been wandering around confused and hungry for some time now, serves him right for getting a degree in Film Studies.
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